Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/October 25, 2011

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The Furry News Network is furfaggotry's latest attempt, after a string of hundreds of thousands of other failed attempts, to mainstream furrydom and to make people rethink what it is to be a furry. Surprisingly, these stabs at mixing FURRY PRIDE! with mainstream sensibility fall flat, resulting in a confused, nonsensical mash-up of furry tidbits mixed with a bitter hatred of mundanes, none of which helps their furry cause.

Furry News Networks mission statement is to "[strive] to be a socially driven source for Furry news, entertainment, and services". By compiling and presenting furry news stories from around the globe, FNN intended to be your one stop shop for all things furfaggotry; conventions, big name fursuiters, mainstream media coverage, anything and everything that would help propagate the furry cause.


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