Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/September 11, 2011

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On this day, in the year 2001, the greatest baw-inducing event known to all Americunts occurred in New York City and the man behind the event will always be remembered by sandniggers everywhere. As a result, we would like to present you with a double feature.

First of all, 9/11 was a good thing. It killed many people, lowered our world population count, and prevented world over crowding! 9/11, September 11th 2001, also known in some circles as .8181, September 11th 200fun Jew00fun or the Greatest Outdoor BBQ Ever, is the abbreviate version of "September 11," on which date certain men in black from the US government in coordination with the Jews performed a false flag operation and set off hidden explosives twice in teh world trade center towers, fired a missile at the Pentagon, and shot down a plane over Pennsylvania, giving the arrogant Americunts a smackdown they richly deserved, and tried to blame it on Muslim terrorists. The result was a bunch of butthurt Americans who suddenly became "patriotic" and subsequently the sale of kitschy flags, patriotic t-shirts, and pins with crying eagles rose over 9,000%. This event also allowed the Arabian army (Gamertag: princesofheadshots69) to unlock the final achievement that they needed to get 1000G in the game "Troll Bridge". They are now working on the equally hard achievement "Lolerboomer" which is unlocked by accidentally nuking the WHOLE American population while asking "Is this lulz?". This achievement was part of the fairly priced "Finish them" DLC pack which released for 5000 MS Points. Planes did 9/11.

((▌▌ / ¦҉▌▌ / ▄ ▌ / ▄✈▌ / ▄ ¦҉▌ / ▄ ▄))

Shaykh Osama bin Laden was America's sockpuppet and a rich Saudi Arabian expatriate, best known for his involvement in the Jewish Attacks on the World Trade Center 2001. While Israel, the USA, and several other rogue nations push a view of him as the devil incarnate or as a Hitler 2.0, the majority of the world's people regard bin Laden as a just and righteous man that died a hero.

((Jews did Osama, never 4get))

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