Encyclopedia Dramatica:Staff

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ED staff hard at work.
This article defines official Category:ED Policy.
Shortcut: Encyclopedia Dramatica:Staff

Staff are the junkies who make this site work in some miracle way. We frequently accomplish miracles to fix problems with no reason. We're generally good people that want to make sure this site works for you and sucks less.

Staff are made of a few different levels of people:


Editors have some rights, including protection, rollback and moving pages. They're also able to set everything on the Main Page. They can't delete anything or cause site changes. Editors are important because they allow the sysops to remain high, drunk, and lazy. We're always looking for dedicated people who would like to contribute to Encyclopedia Dramatica in a bigger way. Is this you? Nominate yourself here!


They're pretty important. They're here to maintain the site in a more important way. Along with all the Editor abilities, they can also delete pages, undelete pages, hide histories and revisions, ban you, alter time, cure Global Warming... also, cocks.


They appoint Administrators, and basically own all of you. They'll gladly take you for a ride on the banwagon, free of charge.

is part of a series on
ED Government

Executive Command Founder Joseph EversHardchat Royalty Likeicare
Theocratic Branch Brother HipcrimeOur Dear Leader GloriousReader
Judicial Branch Judge BoudicaDrama Detective GirlOnInternetArbchatInternet court
Intelligence Division Arctic Research Scientist CakuChanfig and Professional Memer CrackRabbit Kentucky Colonel FleacollerindustryCordial Cyborg JacketKaptein-Commandant Conciërge TabsE-Detective and Token Straight Guy Zagan
Communications Network Jamaican Ambassador ASSBLONKERLogistics Expert ScumhookMaysamProfessor A Fucking BoxCommissar MegaManlyMemetic Warfare Director ChimplordReal Celebrity Paul Rudd
Department of Defense Professional Faggot MarioMario456"Old Bone" KleetusCatalogue Cleaning Crew CobaltcatReverend Volt Switcher JohnBarosa
Missing in Action Spiritual Advancement Guru Meepsheep
Founding Documents ED:HelpED:101ED:LULZEncyclopedia Dramatica:Oath of Service