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iGraalOnline is the brain dead iOS baby of the original GraalOnline (Graal) PC series.

What is iGraal?

iGraalOnline is the iOS version of the cancer-filled GraalOnline PC MMO. iGraal's purpose is to steal as much money as possible from hard-working parents via impressionable 10 year olds.



The focal point of jailbait and hats. iClassic is a social server where horny preteens line up in the middle of a medieval yet somehow modern city and request n00dz and online relationships from one another. This server is filled with lonely eDaters, n00bs, and emofags. The only things to do are buy expensive non-tradable hats for cosmetic effect and score some cyber pr0nz.


Kinda like iClassic but with guns and current day Detroit so you can become a virtual nigger. iEra is filled with Pay 2 Win, lag, and wannabe gang$tas. The only upside to this server is that the amount of eDaters are at a minimum.


The first iGraalOnline server to be released, it was pulled from the App Store because everyone who played it found it to be a steaming pile of shit. In 2012, Eurocenter released the iZone server again after much rumors that it would be a futuristic-themed addition to the iEra server. The result was an underdeveloped server that reeked of immense faggotry and down-syndrome. Prolonged exposure to the server results in Super Cancer which can explain the ridiculously low playercount at any given time.


An innumerable amount of clans populate the iGraal servers. Some are casual groups of people who sit around and talk about their amazing social lives while taking their daily dosage of insulin. Other clans take it a step further by accepting the competitive aspect of the game as a major part of their lives. They can almost always be found fingering their anuses while bragging about their stats and cussing out anyone who beats them by blaming it on lag.


iGraalOnline has been criticized many a times for being home to 40 year old creepers, equally horny 13 year olds, furfags, emos, and autistics that create roleplay sessions among each other that can best be described as erotically weird.

eDating is a common practice among MMOs that the admins moderating the iServers accept and may even partake. A couple of preteen bitches got offended with the game's lack of report moderation on the issue. They then took it upon themselves to make a video warning no one in particular about creepers who ask for n00dz. The video was shared among the iGraalOnline community and thought to be a quick fix of lulz. The video can be seen below.

Dangers of GraalOnline Classic

RaunchyTaco/IGraalOnline is part of a series on


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