White Helmets

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A typical White Helmet.

White Helmets, officially called Syria Civil Defence, are a group of anti-Assad Syrian rebels who masquerade as a "Humanitarian Organization" and hide behind their hilariously ironic motto of "To save a life is to save all of humanity." despite the fact that their members are constantly getting caught taking selfies of themselves beheading prepubescent children and hanging out with other known members of ISIS. The White Helmets get their name from the fact that they wear white helmets much like retards.

The Mainstream Media and Wikipedia are constantly attempting to reinforce the false claim that any evidence linking the White Helmets to ISIS is merely propaganda that is being pushed by the Syrian government and Bad Vlad – unfortunately for them and their narrative, we actually have the photographs that these cocky cunts have taken while they're moonlighting for the Islamic State.


In 2010, U.S. Secretary of State and renowned warmonger Hillary Clinton decided to carry on W's legacy by helping spark a series of violent uprisings across the Middle East that would later become known as the Arab Spring. Hillary and the rest of the corrupt Barack Hussein Obama administration then began supplying weapons to so-called "moderate rebels" in the now destabilized middle eastern countries in order to line their pockets with Jew Gold and further the Military-Industrial Complex. Among the countries that was affected by this was Syria, which, on March 15, 2011, fell into a state of so-called "civil war" thanks to the United States helping to finance an attempted coup d'état against the government of democratically elected Syrian President and IRL Bob's Burgers character Bashar al-Assad.

On 9/11, 2012 (disambiguation), a shipment of Syria-bound weapons was at the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya, when a group of terrorists who were supposedly just butthurt over a YouTube video called "Innocence of Muslims" began launching an all-out assault on the embassy. Despite having goddamn rocket launchers at the embassy, the Americunts inside were forced to stand down and not use the weapons since they were intended for a lovely group of Syrian rebels who currently call themselves The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. As a result of this, 4 Americans were killed in Benghazi and their blood was left staining the hands of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

In early 2013, a U.S. backed Britfaginese private military company (i.e. Mercenaries) called Britam was hacked and documents were leaked that allegedly showed that they were considering accepting a high-paying job that involved launching a chemical weapons attack against civilians in Syria and then blaming it on Assad. Because this was the very definition of a war crime, Britam decided to claim the emails were altered and then launched a lolsuit against the The Daily Mail after their fine reporters broke the story. Britam eventually got a £100,000+ settlement, but we all know that they just got away with it.

In 2014, using the previous false flag plans as a blueprint, a group called Syria Civil Defence was formed by members of Syria's radical Islamist rebels with the sole purpose of posing as a humanitarian organization and staging more false flag attacks to further goad western countries into helping them overthrow Assad and turn Syria into a goatfucker's paradise.

Galleria de Totally Not ISIS

See Also

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