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File:The man.png
The man in real life.

Pkrussl (Powerword: James Parker Russel) is a semi-popular gay YouTube cub fur fetishist from Florida that makes videos centered around 2016-style "CRINGE COMPILATIONS!!!!", furry drama, or animation meme "reviews" where he displays a complete lack of understanding of both the terms "animation" and "meme", while also shitting on the retards that for some reason watch him as they send in their barely-animated short clips. The only redeemable part of Parker's content is the editing which is, even then, only passable.

Animation Meme Review

One of his more popular series. In this he, like any YouTube reviewer/commentator proves correct the saying "those who cannot do, bitch" as the majority of the series is him yelling at the top of his already shrill voice in genuine tard anger that children can't animate, while also not "reviewing" any of the clips he claims to, instead resorting to repeating the word "DISGUSTING" without adding anything interesting or insightful. To add further insult to injury, he seriously believes that his series is the be-all-end-all of reviews despite not knowing the meaning of the word "meme" which leads him to constantly embarrass himself whenever someone autistic enough to care about the quality of an internet nobodies content points this out to him. Despite this, he is somehow able to keep a fanbase of edgy Tweens that feed him low quality animations made on an Ipad.

(Insert media property name here) Cringe

Lame, generic Deviant Art Cringe comp show that you seen already a billion times elsewhere.

OwO news

Generic news usually talking about furry drama or something that No one cares about like bashing an episode a Canadian news show talking about Trampoline parks.

Getting caught as a cub fur

In January of 2019, evidence of Pkrussl enjoying cub porn was discovered. Here is the evidence. TL;DR, he got called out by a bunch of sane people, causing him to go into rage and try his best to cover it up. only his 12-year-olds fans truly believe him. He then tried to defend himself going on livestream This livestream was about 2 hours of fucking nothing too, just like his last responses. He started off by screaming (which is great) and then would attempt to start telling " his explanation " only to interrupt himself to read donations, which is most likely the real motivation for streaming. James pulled this story out of his ass on the spot saying that what " really " happened is that back in 2011-2012 when he did exclusively gaming content on YouTube and only had 15 subs, there was this guy who was " obsessed with him. This " guy " made a bunch of profiles impersonating him and THAT guy is the one who likes cub shit. As an attempt to reverse troll the impersonator, he started to link their profiles in the description of his videos. He also claims that even though his first name is James, he never goes by it. He also claimed that his main opponent committed six year gay ops on him which is a complete Bullshit Lie if you look into it. On top of that, Kiwi Farms user i forgot my password uncovered that James is following cub artists ON HIS OWN DAMN MAIN TWITTER ACCOUNT.

See also

External links

Pkrussl is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.

Pkrussl is part of a series on


Visit the Faggotry Portal for complete coverage.

Pkrussl is part of a series on YouTube.

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Typical fan art

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YouTube Ranters

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