Mia Brown

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This faggot waits for the child to make the first move in a sexual situation.
You can help by contacting Federal Authorities and alerting Chris Hansen.
Mia Brown = infected with GOTIS
You can help by not giving her any attention.

At one point, this really was her profile pic.
She's got one slick rape face, doesn't she? Her kids see it nearly every day.

Mia Brown (Yes, that's her real name.), a.k.a. MiaBrownBeauty on Twitter, is a bisexual, child-loving social justice warrior on YouTube and Twatter who exploits her children on camera and insists that breastfeeding is normal. Although she is a married MILF, she's already cheating on her husband with your mom. After all, what's stopping scissor sisters?


How to Troll Her

  • Ask her about her secret stash of drugs.
  • Ask her how much she paid to get breast implants.
  • Tell her that breastfeeding is repulsive.
  • Call her a slut.
  • Ask her why she uploads child pictures on her main Twitter.
  • Ask her if you can suck her tits for free crack. (WARNING: This may backfire and get you v&. If Bubba knows you like milk, you're only sucking on his cock.)
  • Ask her how much she could charge to have sex with you. (Her husband is a cuck anyway.)
  • Ask her to spray breast-milk all over your body. (This will clearly mean that you got laid, amirite?
  • Ask her how many buckets of KFC she has each day.
  • Ask her why she's a pedophile and/or breastfeeding social justice warrior

Where to Find Her

Mia Brown is part of a series on

Social Justice

Visit the Social Justice Portal for complete coverage.

Mia Brown is part of a series on
UnV& Pedophiles [-+]

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Mia Brown
is part of a series on
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