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With the current celebration of mental illness online, the newest batch of faggots has developed a method to be as annoying as possible on teh internetz. Xir's research into the science of being obnoxious and retarded has culminated in the creation of seemingly limitless Neopronouns and Xenogenders. Some people, who refer to themselves as they/them, decided it didn't make them special enough; so they then multiplied the complexity by bastardizing the English language in a desperate attempt to be relevant. These terms are mostly used by the losers you'd see on Twitter and other such Internet trash heap websites that have a pronoun list in their bios or about page.

What are Neopronouns?

Neopronouns are typically a set of singular third-person pronouns that are not officially recognized by the bigoted creators of the English language. They exist to replace gendered pronouns like "he/him" for men and "she/her" for women. This also includes the progenitor of this trend of non-binary retards who use "they/them". Faggots use these to avoid using the singular form of they which some argue can be confused with the plural form of they. Alternatively, and more commonly, these are used to make the users feel special and unique and not at all hollow and obnoxious.

one of the many flags used to identify Neopronoun users
one of the many flags used to identify Neopronoun users

What are Xenogenders?

A Xenogender is a large encompassing term for other gender identities that can't be described at all using normal human language concepts as they were developed by Satanic lizard Jews to further corrupt and incapacitate western societies with more crap. These people describe their Xenogenders using metaphors to describe what it is like or what qualities it has.

"Common" Categories

  • Nouns = Compares their gender to an animal, part of nature, an abstract idea or a symbol.
  • Sensory Characteristics = Describes their gender through texture, color, taste, time, et cetera.
  • Neurotypes = When your mental illness is also your gender, which is ironic if you think about it.

Other Categories

  • Situational = The gender changes depending on their current situation.
  • Kintypes = A newer and nicer(?) way of saying you're an otherkin.
  • Oneself = Your gender solely revolves around you to the point it is exclusive to you.

How to make your own Neopronoun/Xenogender

Follow this simple guide on how to be an online genderfreak:

  1. Make up some retarded pronouns.
  2. Create a social media account, Twitter will do for this example.
  3. Put your pronouns in your bio or whatever equivalent page section.
  4. Get AIDS and die.

An example for reference

"Common" Examples

Following the format he/him/himself:

  • Ae/Aer/Aerself
  • They/Them/Themself
  • Fat/Fatty/Fatself
  • Ze/Zir/zirself
  • Nig/Nog/Nigself
  • Fae/Faer/Faerself
  • Per/Per/Perself
  • One/One/Oneself
  • Xe/Xyr/Xyrself
  • Fag/Faggot/Fagself

Gallery of Faggotry Flags

See also

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Neopronouns is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

Visit the Faggotry Portal for complete coverage.

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Tactics: [Rage Quit.How do I get elect?]

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See also: 2012 Elections2016 Presidential Elections2020 Presidential ElectionsInternet PoliticsPizzaGatePolitical communitiesRoe v. Wade

Featured Article for November 20 and 21, 2022
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