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This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
The faggot behind it all.

David Stebbins is a fat, hilariously stupid retard, who looks like your average League of Legends player. His channel basically consists of gaming videos where he does an "In-depth Analysis" of any video game that he doesn't ragequit in the first 3 minutes. he also has Assburgers and seems to think that anyone who doesn't immediately welcome and grant him the title of king, are discriminating against his disorder, because he only deals in absolutes, either you're with him, or you're a toxic piece of shit.

YouTube Channel

His YouTube channel is full of videos where he makes the most retarded, batshit insane arguments that a 3-year-old could debunk faster than the time Acer can file another lawsuit. he also has a double standard larger than him, he will berate others for stuff that HE does and this is apparent with his own YouTube channel. He also mispronounces the most simplest of words that it's shocking he ever even passed middle school, and he struggles to even google the most simplest of information to make sure he isn't talking out of his blue ass.

He will also use cheats and guides on his "blind playthroughs" and even admits to using mods on some of them, and refuses to play the game right, while admitting the game isn't working properly as a result of him

He also does constant debates on YouTube with other retards who have an extra brain-cell over him, with him constantly staring into the camera with the intent of a psychopath and breathing heavily, and also has no trouble interrupting them before they finished talking. and also copyright strikes them if they upload the debate themselves, stating that he has copy-right control over it, despite the footage they upload being the exact same thing he uploaded, and he even has a rule that if anyone ever insulted him during a debate, he is the winner by default.

Much like DarksydePhil and WingsofRedemption, he is also terrible at every video game he manages to play, misunderstanding basic controls, ignoring plot points only to later say that the game has no story, blames the game for everything that his faggot ass could not understand if it was written in Crayola colored pencils.

He has attempted to turn two things into a series.

  • Correction Series: Due to multiple people pointing out the insane problems with acer's analysis videos, he has made a "correction" series to correct the mistakes he made in his retrospectives, however it was quickly discontinued to people not reacting positively to his condescending and shit attitude, however acer saw this as people not liking the fact that he apologizes.
  • Dark Souls: Acer posted a poll letting his remaining 15 fans vote for what game they want him to play next, and Dark Souls 1 won with 6 votes, and after realizing that nobody wants to watch him fail miserably at every combat attempt, blamed the 6 people that voted for the series not succeeding.


Acer's Copyright Graveyard

Acerthorn thinks he's entitled to anything, including what little ad revenue his fat fuck retarded ass gets. Therefore, if you even show a single nanosecond of any of his videos (Twitch or YouTube) he will most likely than not, file a lawsuit against you.


One of the lawsuits this retard filed was about his dad that he tried to kill, by stabbing him with a knife, which he probably deserves from not throwing this moron out the window at birth. Immediately after this, he claimed self-defense by saying that his dad tried to frame him by stabbing himself in the face. He also said during an interview with a psychiatrist that he was practically jerking off at the idea of murdering his father and planned to record to upload it on YouTube.

Acerfaggot v. University of Arkansas

On December 4, 2012. Stebbins filed a lawsuit against the university of arkansas, cause they failed to re-roll him back after banning him for being Insane and aggressive with them. while also claiming that they discriminated against his disability despite the fact that the university said that others with Assburgers didn't act like an absolute retard and also in the case, it states that at October 12 2007, a woman named debbie hudson was supposed to deliver letters to the dorms and said that she wouldn't return until 3PM however she didn't return until 15 minutes after that. and when he returned, Acer was "Unusually violent", she said he was swearing, raving, and swinging his arms like a child and she also said that he could be a danger to the rest of the students but acer later apologized, but by his own admission, he didn't apologize cause what he did was fucking deplorable, but because he could get suspended from the school.

Why does he file these lawsuits?

Because he sees lawsuits as an infinite money cheat code, and thus he will use any excuse he can to sue someone. He also thinks that anyone even mildly saying his name or anything is instantly doxing him, despite his bottomless head not realizing that his personal information is public, and can be seen by anyone within a single Jewgle search, because this fucktard filed a PUBLIC SUIT. And even in his own twitch streams, he has paid people to dox someone who was bothering him on stream. Despite apparently being a paralegal, he seems to not understand that most of the stuff he copyright strikes are Fair use. or maybe it's because he simply uses it as an excuse to hide any criticism of his poor knowledge of fair use. You will probably find out from the people he sued that he follows them and seems to have knowledge of everything they say, to the point of even hiring people to spy on their Pisscord servers to see if they ever speak of him.

This faggot's court docs

Acerfaggot's lolsuit against a bunch of Nobodies and fags (+ Rogue, Internet Man)
Acer v. LOLmart
Acer v. University of Arkansas

See Also

  • Retard - what he is
  • Jews - what he isn't, but he acts like one anyways

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