Forum: Difference between revisions

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''For [[EDF6|Encyclopedia Dramatica's Forums]] go [[File:Forumlambda.png|17px|link=]] [ here].''

''For the [[ED forums]] go [ here].''
A '''forum''' is a [[Shit|shitty]] place on the [[Internets]] where [[you|retards]] like to argue, whine, bitch, [[troll|troll]] and moan about [[shit nobody cares about|unimportant and uninteresting topics]]. Almost every forum consists of a small minority of autists who hold all the street cred, power, and contribution, who think they're tough shit because they have tens of thousands of posts and many years wasted on the forum, while newfags have to suck them off or get banned or ostracized from the hugbox.

A '''forum''' is a [[Shit|shitty]] place on the [[Internets]] where [[you|retards]] like to argue, whine, bitch, [[troll|troll]] and moan about [[shit nobody cares about|unimportant and uninteresting topics]].

Back when the [[old media]] still reigned and the Internets were owned by [[AOL]], [[basement-dweller]]s would hang out on a version of the [[web]] known as [[BBS]]. BBS was quick to evolve into [[newsgroup]]s, which begat '''forums''', which begat *[[chans]], which now herald the end of humanity as we know it.
Back when the [[old media]] still reigned and the Internets were owned by [[AOL]], [[basement-dweller]]s would hang out on a version of the [[web]] known as [[BBS]]. BBS was quick to evolve into [[newsgroup]]s, which begat '''forums''', which begat *[[chans]], which now herald the end of humanity as we know it.
On forums you can learn important things such as repeating things is useful. If it didn't work - try saying it in latin. Most likely your post will not be answered. But that is not the point. The point of webforums is ''be yourself''. [[At least 100 years ago]] someone from a foreign country did X similar to how it is in your country of the now. He stated some rules:
* Everything with the past is perfect, except how it lead to the present.
* Feeling lonely and ignored is the illusion of involuntary serfdom.
* Am I going to explain what I mean? Nope. Use [[Google]].
** Then you can search for things.
** ?????
* There is always a guy with a million shitposts. Imagine if a phone receptionist was like him.
* Insinuate that you are living the perfect life by never responding to criticism. As a matter of fact don't tell anything about your life. But feel free to give your knowledgeable opinion about [[Miley Cyrus]] haircut.
* If all else fails. Evoke the [[longcat]] god and write a long [[BAWWW]]-POST about how you suffer the worst faith in humanity. Except the world to be your babysitter and cry a million tears.
* Discussion n. ~ ''An argument

==Every known forum thread in the Universe==
==Every known forum thread in the Universe==
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*[[Attention Whore|Anal Pics inside hurry be4 the mods come close!]]
*[[Attention Whore|Anal Pics inside hurry be4 the mods come close!]]
==Types of Forums==
*[[Anime|Anime forums]]: Forums about anime, filled to the brim with [[pedophiles]] and [[weeaboos]]. Trying to become a [[retard|respectable member]] on these forums is completely impossible unless you joined when the forum just opened or [[blowjob|sucked an admin's cock]] and became a [[mod]], or else you will get [[banned]] within your first 100 posts for either pissing off a mod/admin/[[GOTIS|girl]] for simply not thinking that (insert anime here) is the best thing ever, troll by calling anime shit in general or say that all anime produced after 2000 sucks
*[[Pokémon|Pokémon forums]]: Forums about pokemon, there is [[at least 100|at least]] [[9000]] of these and as a result most of them have less than 50 users, just like [[B|/b/]], all of them are full of faggots talking about the same shit all day, trolling these takes skill because simply saying [[truth|all pokemanz from after generation 1 are gay]] will get you b& with no response
*[[sports|Sports forums]]: about sports, the vast majority are about [[soccer]], where [[eurofags]] talk about whenever [[shit nobody cares about|arsenal or manchester united will win the barclays permier league]], although some are also about [[gay|football]], [[canada|hockey]], and [[redneck|pro wrestling]], troll by posting results
*[[kung fu|Martial arts forums]] : filled with [[13-year-old-boys]] who watch [[Dragonball Z]] and want to learn how to [[murder|fight IRL]], most threads look something like "hoe do u beat up a bully in sk00l?". all of its members are [[internet tough guy|L33t 5tr337 f1ght0rz]] who are black belts in [[iron penis|tae-kwon-do]], [[japan|jiu-justu]] and [[naruto|ninjutsu]], but still stick to a [[noob|simplistic]] fighting style, all threads end up being closed by mods due to death threats, they can't even imagine an [[IRL]] fight that does not include them having an advantage, and none of them think that their enemy may have a [[gun]], troll by saying [[skinhead|krav maga]] is bullshit
*Mysticism forums: see [[Psion Guild]]
*Miscellaneous: Forums that are not about a specific thing, it allows its members to create threads about anything they want, most threads are SO RANDOM ^___^ i like waffles, they are generally a huge mess, troll by bringing up a [[assburger|serious topic]]
*[[white|Nationalist forums]]: forums where [[niggers|white people]] gather to discuss how white they are and plan genocides, everyone is free to express their opinions, so it may be looked at as a [[retarded|degraded]] version of [[krautchan]]
*[[roleplay|Roleplay forums]]: forums that exists only so that [[faggots]] can roleplay on them, some of them are  [[bullshit|set in a universe with its own lore]] and therefore requires you to register your [[mary-sue|character]] before you can roleplay, nearly all threads are about [[inflation art|inflation]], [[vore]], [[child abuse|loli]], [[unbirth]] or [[rape]]

==Having a Forum Instead of Real Content==
==Having a Forum Instead of Real Content==
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:See also: [[Forum_invading#Most_Lulzworthy|lulzworthy invasions]]''
:See also: [[Forum_invading#Most_Lulzworthy|lulzworthy invasions]]''
As you can see, the Internet has a variety of forums catering [[White|normal]] people and [[sick fucks]] alike:
As you can see, the Internet has a variety of forums catering [[White|normal]] people and [[sick fucks]] alike:
*[ ED Forums] - Encyclopedia Dramatica's own forums. No faggots allowed. You can be gay, just not a faggot.
*[ ED Forums] - Encyclopedia Dramatica's own forums. No faggots allowed. You can be gay, just not a faggot.
*[[28dayslater]] - Urban Exploration forum.  
*[[28dayslater]] - Urban Exploration forum.  
*[ The Acorn Cafe] - Site for [[Rangerphile|Rangerphiles]] and their love for [[Ray Jones|SWEET ANTHROPOMORPHIC TOON MOUSE BOOTY]]!
*[ The Acorn Cafe] - Site for [[Rangerphile|Rangerphiles]] and their love for [[Ray Jones|SWEET ANTHROPOMORPHIC TOON MOUSE BOOTY]]!
*[ Butthole Surfers Forum] Where LSD users, 40 year old texans and pretty much [[You|anyone who listens to shitty Psychadelia]] goes to talk about foecal topics and jerk off.
*[[Banned all stars]] - The anti-thesis of all that is [[lulz]]. Avoid like [[GRIDS|the plague]].
*[[Banned all stars]] - The anti-thesis of all that is [[lulz]]. Avoid like [[GRIDS|the plague]].
*[[Chans]] - Not even one sentence can describe them.
*[[Chans]] - Not even one sentence can describe them.
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*[[Complaints Forum]] - Endless bitching and moaning by sniveling [[devianTART|TARTlets]].
*[[Complaints Forum]] - Endless bitching and moaning by sniveling [[devianTART|TARTlets]].
*[[DTV Forum]] - Australian digital [[Old media|TV]] forum. Easy trolling target.
*[[DTV Forum]] - Australian digital [[Old media|TV]] forum. Easy trolling target.
*[ ED Forums]
*The Escapist Forums - a place controled by [[Atheist]]s and Jews, a fun place to [[troll]] random people with your [[religion|extereme religious]] believs, [[Nazi]] ideas and [[Communist]] ideaologies.  
*The Escapist Forums - a place controled by [[Atheist]]s and Jews, a fun place to [[troll]] random people with your [[religion|extereme religious]] believs, [[Nazi]] ideas and [[Communist]] ideaologies.  
*[[Ed's Room]] - A spinoff of Citadel that caters to Internet [[oldfag|retrofags]].
*[[Ed's Room]] - A spinoff of Citadel that caters to Internet [[oldfag|retrofags]].
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*[[GTAForums]] - where Jew cry about [[an Hero|the people]] who [[truth|say that the world will be better withoud Niggers and Jews]].  
*[[GTAForums]] - where Jew cry about [[an Hero|the people]] who [[truth|say that the world will be better withoud Niggers and Jews]].  
*[[GameFAQs]]/[[Gamespot]] - Message board [[hell]].
*[[GameFAQs]]/[[Gamespot]] - Message board [[hell]].
*[ Hellfire Commentaries forums] This is a forum for fans of a fat, bitchy let's player, on this forum you can be banned for not capitalizing the let's player's username (seriously), it's an amazing place for trolling.
*[[House of Jigsaw]] - [[Saw]] [[fanboy]] forum.
*[[House of Jigsaw]] - [[Saw]] [[fanboy]] forum.
*Imperial Library's Storyboard - YaBB forum on monkeytruth from ''[[The Elder Scrolls]]'' of games.
*Imperial Library's Storyboard - YaBB forum on monkeytruth from ''[[The Elder Scrolls]]'' of games.
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* [[Jewgrounds]] BBS - Where [[skript kiddies]] meet to bitch about their shitty lives.
* [[Jewgrounds]] BBS - Where [[skript kiddies]] meet to bitch about their shitty lives.
*[[Mygnrforum]] - [[Shit|Shitty]] Guns N' Roses forum.
*[[Mygnrforum]] - [[Shit|Shitty]] Guns N' Roses forum.
*[ MyAnimeList] - Weebs arguing about what DEEP animu is the best, how [[Colony Drop|moe is ruining anime]], and how [[Weeaboo#The Opposite side of the retard spectrum, but still fucking retarded|the people who like it should not be valued as humans.]] It's connected to a site where the aforementioned waps brag about how big their [[e-penis|e-peens]] have gotten after watching [[Star Wars|Legend Of The Galactic Heroes]] and [[One Piece|Wan Piss]]
*[[Neodrama]] - [[neopets]] forum.
*[[Neodrama]] - [[neopets]] forum.
*[[Onision|Onision Forums]]  
*[[Onision|Onision Forums]]  
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*[[Semiotic]] - [[Muslim]] [[Jihad]] discussion forum.
*[[Semiotic]] - [[Muslim]] [[Jihad]] discussion forum.
*[[Something Awful]] - Elitist forum for old nerds willing to spend ten bucks on their shitty account. And that's just for the standard account.
*[[Something Awful]] - Elitist forum for old nerds willing to spend ten bucks on their shitty account. And that's just for the standard account.
*[[Television Without Pity]] - Unfunny site about TV.
*[[Television Without Pity]] - Unfunny site about TV.
*IGTAF - a very [[Nazi|nice]] place for 30 years [[old]] people to talk about how to [[rape]] and [[murder]] people. No [[Israel]]is allowed (Mossad knows about this forum!).
*IGTAF - a very [[Nazi|nice]] place for 30 years [[old]] people to talk about how to [[rape]] and [[murder]] people. No [[Israel]]is allowed (Mossad knows about this forum!).
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*[[Thunderdome]] - Chanology utility to debrief [[moralfag]] protesters into [[HACKERS ON STEROIDS]].
*[[Thunderdome]] - Chanology utility to debrief [[moralfag]] protesters into [[HACKERS ON STEROIDS]].
*[ The Flood] - Apparantly, "they were here".
*[ The Flood] - Apparantly, "they were here".
*[[The Transit Coalition]] - Aspies talking about trains.
*[[Totse]] - This is where you go to get your knowledge on [[Computer Science III]].
*[[Totse]] - This is where you go to get your knowledge on [[Computer Science III]].
*[ Quake 3 World] - ''Quake'' forums, used to be cool. Now overrun by [[Jews]].
*[ Quake 3 World] - ''Quake'' forums, used to be cool. Now overrun by [[Jews]].
*[|  Gears of War Forums] - [[Gay|Kewl Kidz]] troll and [[fuck|spam]] the forums [[attention Whore|24/7,]] sit and watch I gaurantee you the [[lulz|time of your life!!!]]
*[|  Gears of War Forums] - [[Gay|Kewl Kidz]] troll and [[fuck|spam]] the forums [[attention Whore|24/7,]] sit and watch I gaurantee you the [[lulz|time of your life!!!]]
*[ Virtual Teen] Full of [[13-year-old boys]] convincing each other that they're [[Not Gay]]
*[ Virtual Teen] Full of [[13-year-old boys]] convincing each other that they're [[Not Gay]]
*[ WrestlingFaze] Best wrestling forum, full of [[Jews]] and [[lulz]]. 
*[[U413]] [[Srsly|The most 1337 message board ever.]]
*[[U413]] [[Srsly|The most 1337 message board ever.]]
*[ Cholq'ij Revolution] Forum owned by a guy who thinks he's a [[World of Warcraft|shaman]]. [[Srsly]]! You can post [[anonymous|anonymously]].
*[ Cholq'ij Revolution] Forum owned by a guy who thinks he's a [[World of Warcraft|shaman]]. [[Srsly]]! You can post [[anonymous|anonymously]].
*[] Forum where everyone gets banned every second for stupid shit, and is run like a jewish prison camp. Mostly for [[retards]] who love to make gmod sex poses. Or tell how Garry is a faggot, or how puns are so overused in the most popular thing on the news section, as they dreadfully try to be [[funny|unfunny]].

*[ Real Brown Pride] Owner thinks he's the real [[mexican|raza]]. His forum allows you to [[autoplay]] youtube videos. That means you can [[Rickroll]].
*[ Real Brown Pride] Owner thinks he's the real [[mexican|raza]]. His forum allows you to [[autoplay]] youtube videos. That means you can [[Rickroll]].

*[[Insane Zero]]: Paradise for [[Kirby]] fags and [[furfags]].
*[[Insane Zero]]: Paradise for [[Kirby]] fags and [[furfags]].
*[[Reject Haven]] - A site for the rejects of the interwebz.
Image:Yahooanswersoutlink.jpg|[[Yahoo! Answers]] will give you more that you've bargained for.
Image:Yahooanswersoutlink.jpg|[[Yahoo! Answers]] will give you more that you've bargained for.
Image:Gtfothismessageboard.png|[[DAMN NIGGA]]
Image:Gtfothismessageboard.png|[[NO NIGGERS|NO POSTING]]
Image:Forumposter.jpg|Typical forum post.
Image:Forumposter.jpg|Typical forum post.
Image:I lol'd GOW2 forum Spamage montage.jpg|[[Faggotry|Typical Nerds on Epic Forums]].
Image:I lol'd GOW2 forum Spamage montage.jpg|[[Faggotry|Typical Nerds on Epic Forums]].
Image:Video games lol.jpg|I guess he told them.
<!-- Image:Video games lol.jpg|I guess he told them. -->

==See Also==
==See Also==
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Latest revision as of 19:10, 1 May 2022

For Encyclopedia Dramatica's Forums go here.

A forum is a shitty place on the Internets where retards like to argue, whine, bitch, troll and moan about unimportant and uninteresting topics. Almost every forum consists of a small minority of autists who hold all the street cred, power, and contribution, who think they're tough shit because they have tens of thousands of posts and many years wasted on the forum, while newfags have to suck them off or get banned or ostracized from the hugbox.


Back when the old media still reigned and the Internets were owned by AOL, basement-dwellers would hang out on a version of the web known as BBS. BBS was quick to evolve into newsgroups, which begat forums, which begat *chans, which now herald the end of humanity as we know it.

On forums you can learn important things such as repeating things is useful. If it didn't work - try saying it in latin. Most likely your post will not be answered. But that is not the point. The point of webforums is be yourself. At least 100 years ago someone from a foreign country did X similar to how it is in your country of the now. He stated some rules:

  • Everything with the past is perfect, except how it lead to the present.
  • Feeling lonely and ignored is the illusion of involuntary serfdom.
  • Am I going to explain what I mean? Nope. Use Google.
    • Then you can search for things.
    • ?????
    • PROFIT
  • There is always a guy with a million shitposts. Imagine if a phone receptionist was like him.
  • Insinuate that you are living the perfect life by never responding to criticism. As a matter of fact don't tell anything about your life. But feel free to give your knowledgeable opinion about Miley Cyrus haircut.
  • If all else fails. Evoke the longcat god and write a long BAWWW-POST about how you suffer the worst faith in humanity. Except the world to be your babysitter and cry a million tears.
  • Discussion n. ~ An argument

Every known forum thread in the Universe

Types of Forums

  • Anime forums: Forums about anime, filled to the brim with pedophiles and weeaboos. Trying to become a respectable member on these forums is completely impossible unless you joined when the forum just opened or sucked an admin's cock and became a mod, or else you will get banned within your first 100 posts for either pissing off a mod/admin/girl for simply not thinking that (insert anime here) is the best thing ever, troll by calling anime shit in general or say that all anime produced after 2000 sucks
  • Miscellaneous: Forums that are not about a specific thing, it allows its members to create threads about anything they want, most threads are SO RANDOM ^___^ i like waffles, they are generally a huge mess, troll by bringing up a serious topic

Having a Forum Instead of Real Content

Some web sites exist exclusively as forums. *Chans, for instance, are forums where the only thing one can do is upload pictures of loli, shota, or THE PIC. Other places, like Something Awful or Fark, have no redeeming value other than their forums. In all cases, forums are where lulz are harvested for the good of the many in the form of trolls and internet tough guys. IMDB and its forums are notable in that the former does have valuable content, but the latter counters that content with its ability to actually force you to put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger.

Full of Win

Occasionally forums are taken too seriously, which often results in epic threads. When this occurs mods often baleet the thread and pretend the epicness never happened, therefore you should always archive potential epic threads for great justice and copypasta to ED.

V& > B&

Forums do not meet their true potential until someone ends up banned or vanned. In these special cases, it is the duty of the agents of the lulz to duplicate and post everything that led to the smiting.


See also: lulzworthy invasions

As you can see, the Internet has a variety of forums catering normal people and sick fucks alike:

See Also

Forum is part of a series on Language & Communication
Languages and DialectsGrammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Style, and UsageRhetorical StrategiesPoetryThe Politics of Language and CommunicationMediaVisual Rhetoric
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