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Mulderism, possibly the most ridiculous cult yet conceived, involves the belief that all of the prophets over the ages appear somehow, someway in Fox Mulder, and that "Friendly Forces from another dimension inspired him and the rest of his X-Files machine, except for the 2001/2002 seasons."

The holy overlords.
SomethingAwful reveals their true faces!

It has to be a sign that some people are so desperate for something to believe in, and so over-obsessed with a television show, that this is the lulz inspiring result.

Thankfully, conversion to Mulderism is easy!


Find a sponsor to guide you in theory and/or practical or engage yourself by studying the X-Files television shows. There is no formal ceremony unless decided by the group in your area. There is no baptism. Pick an alias of your favorite thing or person. EG: I like strawberry's so my name is Sis. Strawberry."

This can certainly be seen as a sign of extreme faggotry resulting in extreme lulz.

External links

Mulderite central
Look up "Fox Mulder" and "Heaven's Gate" on Google to find a ton more of this idiotic shit.

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ask.fmBrainwashingHypnosisMilgram Experiment$cientologyThe Stanford Prison ExperimentThe Hivemind Corollary


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See also:

American Psychiatric AssociationAngerASMRChild abuseConscienceDreamsDSMElan SchoolEnlightenmentIntelligenceLobotomyMary BellPsychiatristySerial KillersTake the meat bridgeThe Law of ConformityTrigger Warning