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Tempraphobia is the uneasy feeling you get that time is ebbing away and you are unable to do anything - which is a common sensation when viewing Miley Cyrus on the VMAs, and not having the ability to remove MTV from your subscriptions list in your TV package.

The most lulz can be had with the tempraphobic when taking them on tours of sites of historic interest, and observing the difference in the time of whatever shit went down at said site of past battle, museum, or rick roll video on youtube, and the present, and that that difference is forever increasing, second by second.


  • Using email to link you to flash animation or gifs from the 1990s.
  • Anybody who claims that old music is better than new music - simply because they don't spend time trying to find the a decent band.
  • People who obsess about historical dates, or their facebook timeline.
  • People who turn to religion when they get older so that they can call-in a better spot in some afterlife.
  • Anybody still Rick Rollin'.
  • You
  • Anybody STILL using live journal.
  • People who repeat themselves too much. Using different words to re-cover the same shit also counts too.
  • People who continue to do the same pointless shit, despite others pointing out that they're doing pointless shit.
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Tempraphobia is part of a series on E-psychiatry
Mental illness & Disorders

AcrotomophiliaAddictAgoraphobiaAlcoholicAlexis Pilkington SyndromeAlzheimer'sAnorexiaAntisocial personality disorderAnthropophobiaAngstAttention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderAttention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderAsperger's SyndromeAsperger's SyndromeBimboficationBipolarBorderline personality disorderBug ChasingEating disorderCognitive dissonanceDeep thinkerDepressionDick ImpalementRetardDyslexiaEating disorderFactitious disorderFake SchizophreniaFauxlimiaFeminismGender dysphoriaGirl on the Internet SyndromeHeterophobiaHero ComplexHFAHistrionic Personality DisorderHutchence's SyndromeHyperbolimiaInadequacyInconsistent personality disorderInsanityLiberal Butthurt SyndromeLiberalismLow Self-esteem"Missing White Woman Syndrome"Multiple personality disorderNapoleon ComplexNarcissistic personality disorderNeurotypicalObsessive Compulsive DisorderParanoiaParanoid personality disorderPeter Pan SyndromePost-Traumatic Stress DisorderPsychopathyPyromaniaRetardSchizophreniaSeasonal Affective DisorderSelf-diagnosisSelf InjurySexsomniaSickfuckerySociopathySocial anxiety disorderSpecial Snowflake SyndromeTerminological percipience disorderTrolling Induced Transsexuality SyndromeTulpaUnrealistic expectationsVictim complex


AcrotomophiliaAquaphiliaArborphiliaAudiophiliaTransgenderBalloon FetishBestialityCarmen Electra complexCross DressingDollfiliaRoman ShowerEmosexualityEproctophiliaFatty Fetish (Female Fat Admirer) • FetishismFoot FetishFurniture PornFurrismGoo girlGuroHeterosexualHomophiliaInflation FetishJapanophiliaJungle FeverLesbian pedophiliaLotion PlayMacrophilePregnophileMechanophiliaMpregNecrophiliaObjectophiliaOedipial ComplexParaphiliaPedophiliaPlushiePregnant LoliPregnophiliaQuicksand FetishRangerphileSpectrophiliaStatuephiliaTrichophiliaVorarephiliaWet and Messy FetishismWetlookXenophiliaYellow feverBestiality


Chronic Troll SyndromeDeletionismE-goE-PsychiatristE-PsychiatryeTDHivemindI-DosingI have a 140 IQIRC DiseaseImaginary girlfriendInternet Disease & Internet Disease ChartInternet poverty delusionsInternet RehabInternet troll personality disorderMega ultra super geniusNerdy Fandom Gateway TheorySex by associationLulz-BlindnessWikipedia's Greatest Hits Diseases


ask.fmBrainwashingHypnosisMilgram Experiment$cientologyThe Stanford Prison ExperimentThe Hivemind Corollary


Above Top Secret/b/Bodies Under SiegeCYOCChatrouletteDefense Industries OrganizationDeekerFoolQuest.comInkBunnyNeuticles.comPsyke.orgWarpMyMind.com

See also:

American Psychiatric AssociationAngerASMRChild abuseConscienceDreamsDSMElan SchoolEnlightenmentIntelligenceLobotomyMary BellPsychiatristySerial KillersTake the meat bridgeThe Law of ConformityTrigger Warning