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[[IMAGE:Doopie001.jpg|thump|left|250px|Doopie wants you to think that he's a girl.]]

{{ib|[[File:Trailor trash doopie 1038.png|225px]]}}
{{ibhead|<big>'''Danielle Anita Pitts'''</big>}}
{{ibrow|'''Given Name(s)'''|Danielle Anita Pitts (real name), [[Dani_Willow]], {{twitter|DoopieDoodles|Doopie Doodles}}, Doopie DoDrinks,  Dani James, Dani James Willow, Doopie DoOver, [[Doopie Doodles]], [[KittenBellNSFW]], [[Chi-Chan24]]}}
{{Ibrow|'''State Of Being'''|[[Stoner|Burn Out]]}}
{{ibrow|'''Nationality'''|[[Americunt|American]] but will tell you how Aryan she is despite many "Muddy" generations in the trailor park}}
{{Ibrow|'''Species'''|[[Chargeman Ken!|キチガイ Kichigai]]}}
{{ibrow|'''Born'''| May 27, 1994}}
{{ibrow|'''Classification'''| [[CP|Child Pornographer]], [[Chris-Chan]] Bait, [[Attention whore]], [[youtube|youtuber]], [[lolcow]], Drop-out, out and out failure, Pot-Head, [[Crazy|Wannabee Psycho Bitch]], [[Internet poor|Full Time E-Begger]], [[White trash]], [[White trash|Trailor Park Princess]], Anti-Semite, racist, [[Nazi]]}}
{{ibrow|'''Residence'''| California}}

Doopie DoOver is a [[Sailor Moon]] wannabee, [[furfag]] of a [[Tranny|Thai ladyboy]] that still maintains his male identity because he desires respect but has adopted a female alternate gender because like all young gays, he needs [[attention whore|constant attention.]]<br>
[[File:Doopie d pornographer 345.jpg|thumb|left|250px|'''{{archive|pmzui|Doopie admits to being a pornographer by saying her work is meant only to sexually arouse}}''']]
Males, by definition need to have talent to gain respect and attention, lacking it, his art - no surprise hereHe's another basement dwelling, mamas boy with no skills at communication or much of anything else that believes that [[Animu]] is the end all style when it comes to [[crap|art]].<br>
One can sum up his art with a simple metaphor of a used diaper.  It's not something you want to keep around for a long period of time.  People can easily identify you psychologicaly if you have too many laying around and its not something you buy without needing it to fullfil a purpose, I don't know.  Maybe you really do think Doopie will suck your dick if you buy that shitty drawing she did of him/her fucking a dog for $400.
[[IMAGE:Doopie001.jpg|thumb|right|225px|This is Doopie's level 4 Super Saiyan form and how she wants everyone to see her.]]
Worse yet, is his voice as he/she fancies themselves a voice over artist, volunteering for Planet Dolan on [[Youtube]] because, seriously, who is going to pay you when your voice is best described as a pre-pubescent male screech with hints of the aftereffect of a firecracker going off in a cat's [[ass.]]<br>
Given a choice between this one and Tara Strong, I'd recomend Tara Strong because you won't have the [[pigs|Sheriff's Department]] showing up outside your house and accusing you of being [[Michael Vick]] and demand to see your badement.
[[File:Doopie powered down.jpg|thumb|right|225px|Doopie powered down]]
[[File:Doopie Cray Cray 675.jpg|file|thumb|right|240px|'''{{archive|A5U3o|How Doopie thanks people for giving her moneyDon't worry she'll tell you it's meant in a good way despite the sarcasm.}}''']]
{{Quote|<b>Poor Little Doopie</b>|Doopie's favorite words to hear when she's attention whoring}}
'''Doopie DoOver''' is another [[cancer]] from the [[internets]], [[Millennials|Millennial]]-type that came about from parents that think that they are doing their [[kids|children]] a favor by letting them grow up with an unchecked ego; rationalizing all their failures by making excuses for them and letting them avoid disappointment all together by not even trying.
Like most Millennials Doopie is very quick to avoid or run away from anything that would contradict her version of the world that doesn't have her as its central star. She is quick to quit any venture that she can neither succeed or excel at, which is why she gave up on her [[Chi-Chan24#Modelling|plans]] to [[fat|start a career in modeling]] and has never produced a completed project such as a graphic novel despite her trying to [[Bullshit|convince everyone]] on how great it's going to be or how much time she's invested into it.
She's a terminal bore to talk to, because if there hasn't been a [[Hetalia]] or [[Animu]] episode made on the subject being discussed, she knows nothing about it.  This, along with her inability to take criticism, except being corrected or seeing everyone that disagrees with her as her enemy is why she favors the sycophantic type of friend that will only kiss her ass and why she has been with her magnum opus of a [[Cuckold|cuck]], [[Doopie DoOver#Jess|Jess]], for so long despite her claims of having so many men lusting after her because very few people can put up with her once they get to know her.
As with so many [[Florida]] meth-head, [[White trash|Trailer Park Princess types]] Doopie is all about appearances.  Much like a New World [[Nazi]] chick that thinks that dying her hair platinum blonde and wearing blue colored contacts to hide her [[nigger]] brown eyes will convince anyone looking at her that she is a member of the upper class, White Race, upon examination, doopie lacks any form of depth and has no real clue regarding the world that she so badly wants to take part in.  Thinking that [[anime]] is nothing but [[Furfag|cute animals]], girls [[loli|with pigtails]], High School being a place to introduce characters and underaged girls with [[Japan|Japanese]] names getting [[Rape|raped]] every other scene, her ideas for stories rarely, if ever, break free from this formula.
What Doopie simply breaks down to is just another [[White trash|trailer park]] [[whore]] that is only capable of one idea and has no real style of her own. She chose to let herself become convinced that she could make it in the real world of [[art]] because so many [[white knight]]s fulfilled her reason for being online and told her [[lie|how good she was]].
{{Quote|<b>Once [[Chris-chan|he]] started following me, I took to the farms immediately.</b>|[ Doopie DoOver]}}
== Doopie The Artist ==
{{Main|Doopie DoOver/Art}}
{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="150px" widths="150px" class="center">
Image:1retardcard111.png|Nothing says trustworthy and definitely not a fly-by night opp that will split town with your hard-earned cash than a business card with no phone number or address on it. '''{{archive|G0fev|Card}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Thief5656.jpg|All of Doopie's creations are original.  Her business card looks nothing like this hairstyle profile
Image:doopie111.jpg|Doopie furfagging
Image:doopie1112.jpg|Doopie imaging herself as a Brunette.
Image:Doopiedsick222.jpg|This is what Doopie considers fine photography
Image:doopie1113.jpg|Doopie's Birthday present to Chris-Chan.
File:Doopie DoOver Foot Fetish6321689.png|Another foot pic? Is Doopie a footie?  Why does this one look exactly the same as her first foot pic?
File:DoopieDoover Shitty 3d 6777.png|This fat, badly proportioned "THING" is Doopie's dive into 3d art.  Who needs school?
File:673b12a4b2531fb103c27ac2e7476a92ee390fe4 hq.jpg|Doopie has been blocking people left and right for suggesting that her ''"Genius"'' Character '''Pecan''' looks like a re-colored flip of Poco from '''Poco Udon World'''
File:Tumblr of55qdaTq31qzj6elo2 540.gif|Some are saying that this is the origin of Pecan
File:Doopie DoOver Genius 123.png|'''{{archive|kaq3B|The "GENIUS" character design that has Doopie upset because people are making fun of it.  SERIOUSLY!!!  A racoon that hates water.  Does it have the Rabies?  Please tell me that says Fetch and not [[Felch]]}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Sailor Mercury Ripoff4568.jpg|Doopie's art is instantly recognizable because everything she does looks like a recolour and flip of Sailor Mercury
File:Crappy Doopie 3 d art5.png|The 3d model Doopie only worked 2 '''{{archive|H4hf6|months on}}'''.  This must be the comeback that will herald the '''{{archive|qaMNA|glow-up year}}''' she promised will leave us all '''{{archive|sU9R3|Shocketh}}''' despite her 3d looking flatter than her 2d
For someone who has made claims that she is learned in the styles of the [[Pimp|masters]] like [[Schizophrenia|Van Gogh]], [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles|Michelangelo]], [[Meh|Rembrandt]], [[LSD|Dali]] and [[Awesome|Picasso]] all Doopie is capable of doing is repeating the same 3 poses that all look strikingly similar to official [[Sailor Moon|Sailor Mercury]] art, putting big, soulless bug eyes on a disproportionate face and topping it all off with a hastily drawn hairstyle that has no depth or definition to it.<br>
Like most wannabe artists, [[DeviantArt|Deviant Tartlets]] or anyone whose [[Your Mom|Mommy]] convinced them that they were too special to go out and get a  [[Job]], Doopie makes a living by conning [[Pervert|Dirty old men]] and [[Chris-Chan|intellectually challenged boys]] into thinking that if they contribute enough to her abject lifestyle that Doopie might become convinced of their value and become enamored with them so much that she will give up her grifter's lifestyle for them.<br>
To paraphrase some of the [[interwebs]] better artists, ''"Everytime you print an image by her, You're killing a tree."''
=== Doopie Has Only One Reply ===
{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="150px" widths="150px" class="center">
File:Doopie DoOver Liar 5555343.png|'''{{archive|hxZcI}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver liar Felch 5656543.png|'''{{archive|SXjN3}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Liar 8898980.png|'''{{archive|F8EBn}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Liar 44454532.png|'''{{archive|4JjZ2}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver D Liar 77878.png|'''{{archive|QWWD6}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Liar 111212589.png|'''{{archive|fxB2L}}'''
File:Doopie Doover Fat Liar 767654.png|'''{{archive|FaWr7}}'''
File:Doopie D Liar 4572146.png|'''{{archive|smhfr}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Liar 77789090.jpg|'''{{archive|Vcb0s|It's weird. Most of Doopie's fanart is way better than what she produces}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Lies 44556677.jpg|'''{{archive|jMRo7}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver lego9808.png|'''{{archive|pi9bl|Before you go [[Kittens|Ahhh]], know that king of legos is in his 30s}}'''
For such a [[lie|skilled artist]] that claims her only goal is to inspire other artists; keep them motivated and filled with the love of drawing Doopie seems to have only one reply.<br>
When she receives [[shit|Fanart]] based on some of his appropriated characters like her [[Felch]]ing racoon that is afraid of water, the only comment she can seem to muster up is to say, ''"How cute."''<br>
As much of this fan art is usually better than what she [[shit]]s out, many people have suggested that Doopie is either [[Art theft|Stealing]] these redesigns for herself to claim as her own or she is using them for ideas on how to improve her original work.<br>
== Doopie DoOver: Attention Whore ==
{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="150px" widths="150px" class="center">
Image:Danipoop111.png|Notice me and tell me how hot I am, that's how I value myself.
Image:Doopiedsick111.jpg|Feed me the attention I crave
File:Doopie DoOver Why Do People hate e45454.png|{{wayback||20180303224147|title=Doopie demands an apology for your unfollowing her}}
File:Doopiedooverawhorenomore.png|'''{{archive|bJu0U|Look! I have value. Someone wants me.}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Fat Pig88890.png|'''{{archive|1bc9l|I want attention. Somebody tell me that I'm skinny and pretty}}'''
File:Doopie Do Over is fat 45454.png|'''{{archive|AEvzV|Doopie obviously forgot the girdle so if you're a fan of hers you better run and tell her how thin she is to reassure her}}'''
File:Doopie doover attention whore 7676.png|Doopie wants pity from [ KiwiFarms]
File:Doopie trailor trash cow 5656.png|Thanks to all her Trailor Trash tuteledge, Doopie has all the subtlety, dignity and lady-like mannerisms of a two dollar whore working a [ Port-A-Potty]
File:Doopie full blown Attention whore 6767.png|The fact that she makes this shit up is what makes it hilarious.  Outcast to doopie most likely means the rich kids wouldn't hang with her white trash '''{{archive|VIS3G|ass}}'''.  Doopie'd be doing better if she'd referenced Cinderella.  A white trash princess for a white trash girl.
File:Doopie porn.jpg|'''{{archive|wT9IU|for $20 you can get furry porn from a model that looks more decomposed than Lennin's corpse.}}'''
File:Doopie crotch..jpg|'''{{archive|4pNSJ|Doopie's trying to corner that near porn, catalogue spank material for 14 year old boys.}}'''
File:20190430 125804.jpg|Remember she has border line personality disorder and hates to be in situations where people judge her
[[File:Doopie On The Kiwi 71211.png|thumb|right|225px|{{kf|32795|She?}} Really?  In fairness this '''IS''' coming from a group of people who have never been close enough to a girl to talk to one]]
[[File:Heckbent kiss ass5656.png|thumb|right|250px|The type of post Doopie '''{{archive|LKPja|prizes}}''']]
As can be accepted from most [[Loli|girls]] on the internet, Doopie appraises her self worth and validates her existence by counting how many [[virgin|fans]] she has telling her how good looking she is or with the number of [[virgin|greasy little boys]] who she can count on that will [[White knight]] all her causes and tell her how right she is.<br>
Like most [ Narcissists] the [[GOTIS|Girl On The Internet]] has to make everything about them and this is Doopie's singular talent.  When Doopie made it her cause to troll [[Chris-Chan]] by convincing Chris that she might be interested in him and it ended up with Chris receiving all the attention, Doopie did what most narcissists do and reestablished that this whole event was about her by claiming that Chris was an evil stalker type that wanted to find out where she lived and kill her.
As expected, Doopie got the attention she desired with either people falling for her [[Almost raped|stalker]] schtick and telling them how sorry they are for her and to stay strong or by telling her how she should seek legal help and have Chris locked up as a predator.
=== Doopie Claims Borderline Personality Disorder ===
{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="150px" widths="150px" class="center">
Image:5doopie222.png|'''{{archive|PmXfi|Manipulation. She threw a 60 minute crying fit because someone complained about walking '''HER DOG'''}}'''
Image:2doopiewhores111.png|'''{{archive|NhDdU|Just like everyone with BPD, Doopie fell off one cock and is looking for another one she can tease up hard and hustle broke like she did with [[Chris Chan]]}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Depressed Again485317.png|{{wayback||20180303210611|title=Uh oh. Doopie's suffering from her self-diagnosed depression again.  That means you won't see the art you commissioned for at least 6 months from today unless you send her another $50 to buy her [[Weed|anti-depressants]]}}
File:Doopie DoOver Lying Whorw68432.png|Despite her debilitating depression, Doopie tweeted these a few hours before her I'm so depressed '''{{archive|b3Qbg|tweets}}'''
File:Just Too Fucking lazy 99932244.png|BPD serves as a convenient excuse when she doesn't want to do '''{{archive|F3SyJ|something}}'''
File:Doopie-Tortures animals 1232218.png|Many experts agree that [ torturing animals] with such techniques like {{wayback||20120207224059|title=vivisection}} equals a very sick, psychopathic '''{{archive|htc94|fuck}}'''
File:Jess dont get it.jpg|'''{{archive|BySUT|Jess stood at the plate looking to fire some sarcasm off into the cheap seats and nailed Doopie right in the face.}}''' Or is that who he was aiming for?
For those times when she's not feeling up to waxing her face, taking a bath, or just cleaning herself up enough to look decent enough for a selfie, Doopie decided to go onto with a list of symptoms and self diagnosis herself as someone having ''Borderline Personality Disorder'' because like most wrist cutting emos looking for attention, she knows that there is something wrong with her but she just doesn't know the name for it.<br>
Some have defined [[Insane|BPD]] as the [[Ebegging|Ebegging whore]] disease because many of them are quite skilled at manipulating people out of their money and suffer from little, if any guilt, over who they might be taking money from.  It doesn't matter if they're taking money from a rich fan or a mother with a cancer stricken child, they only care that they got money so there might be some veracity to Doopie's claims.<br>
Another symptom that comes with [[Psycho|BPD]] is that people with it are very skilled at playing the victim and any one who has looked at Doopie's [[Twitter]] feed for a single day can see this exact behavior.  Whether it be Doopie [[Crybaby|crying]] her eyes out over someone that she is convinced stole '''FIVE BIG HUGE DOLLARS''' from her on [[DeviantArt]] or playing her constant game of pointing the finger and accusing someone she doesn't like as being a dangerous stalker that [[almost raped]] her - she is always the victim and has done nothing to deserve the treatment she is receiving.
=== Doopie DoOver And [ Factitious Disorders] ===
{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="150px" widths="150px" class="center">
File:Doopie Doover Another Disease5565.png|What a surprise.  Doopie claiming a disease that is most often seen in sex workers and porn '''{{archive|qaogC|actors}}'''
File:Mayo Clinic TMJ 111323.png|The Prestigious Mayo Clinic doesn't list migraines as a symptom of [ TMJ]
File:Doopies disease 6gf67j.png|Stomach problems are one of the most claimed physical symptoms '''{{archive|dlI3W|Disorders}}'''
File:And another Doopie Doover prob77700087.png|Anxiety is the most popular mental problem '''{{archive|1zIRX|claimed along with other hard to prove symptoms}}'''
File:Medication7532p.png|People with fake disorders often claim that they are getting no benefit from treatment and are, therefore, choosing to stop '''{{archive|VTbO0|it}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Big Fat Pig45654.png|Next Doopie will be claiming Body '''{{archive|OK3Fh|Dysmorphia}}'''
As with all Attention Whores, claiming that they have a rare and debilitating disease is a popular past time.
In the case that their family ever wises up and tosses their ass into a [[Crazy|nut hatchery]], like all attention whores, people with fake disorders must be closely monitored when they are being treated because they are at a high risk of using the [[Drug|meds]] they are given to attempt or become [[an hero]] as a final  attention getting device to prove to the doctor's observing them and the people that they are friends with that they really do have psychological disorders and that they are being misdiagnosed.
=== Doopie To The World:  Look How Awesome I Am For Apologizing, Now Give Me Your Forgiveness ===
{{frame|<gallery class="middle"; heights="430px" widths="230px">
File:Doopie DoOver On Name Calling5676.png|'''{{archive|c9VaR|Doopie feels no need to apologize for her opinions that Jews did 9/11, Niggers will kill and then rape a white woman on sight or that Zyklon-B is the best way to dispatch a shower room full of Jews because an opinion never killed anyone or made someone bleed}}'''
Now that Doopie's made her public apology you need to realize that if you're [[gay]] and were offended by one of Doopie's many homophobic remarks, fuck off and go suck a dick. She apologized for calling all you homos fags.<br>
If Doopie fucked you out of money through one of her many [[Ebegging|E-Begging]] schemes, Fuck off already [[dick]] head, she apologized to you.  NO, you won't get your money back but she did apologize.<br>
If you're a dumbass, [[crack]] smoking, big lipped, chicken chomping nigger, fuck off [[nigger|tar baby]].  Doopie already apologized to your black, poor ass for calling you a nigger.<br>
If you're [[Chris Chan]], go fuck yourself cuz all that bullshit was designed for you to give Doopie your money and be a joke for [[Super Planet Dolan]].  If you still have a problem,
It's because you're not mature enough to accept Doopie's generic apology that doesn't even name you. <br>
If you find [[CP|Child Porn]] offensive, shut the fuck up all ready because [[KittenBellNSFW|he'll start that shit back up]] when people forget about it.<br>
For all Doopie's claims about being a good [[Catholic|Christian]] and desiring to be a good person, her morality is very similar to that of a sociopathic serial killer in that she thinks a half-assed attempt at making something right is going above and beyond the call of taking responsibility for her mistakes.<br>
=== Doopie To The World: I Really Do Want To Change.  Help Me Change For The Better (after I whore money out of [[You|you]])===
{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="150px" widths="150px" class="center">
File:145doopiedumbass555.png|If you're Doopie, producing Child Porn in no way contributes to the current shittiness of the '''{{archive|mPUlt|world}}'''
File:Doopie Fucktard 676789.png|'''{{archive|W5vX0|Anyone else notice how when Doopie gets caught in a world class fuck up she always "Grows as a person" but somehow always remains the same racist, foul mouthed, fecalphile that we started with}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Cha nge4545.png|'''{{archive|sm756}}'''
File:Doopie,8907.jpg|'''{{archive|OnZxV|Doopie's favorite cry for attention, I'm bettering myself. Tell me how awesom I am for doing it.}}'''
File:Doopie d retard 479942.jpg|'''{{archive|Xgacq|The sugar from my Mountain Dew and cornflakes is poisoning the oceans, I'm an eco warrior now.  I've changed for the better. Stop the evil sugar cane farms.}}'''
File:Doopie d retard 56789.jpg|'''{{archive|0Pl6u|Ignore the carbon footprint and the pollution caused by AC because you can't redily see it, I'm an Eco-Warrior}}'''
=== Doopie In A [[Insane|Nut]]shell ===
{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="150px" widths="150px" class="center">
File:Doopie Doover Hypocritical whore456546.png|'''{{archive|SMfqu|Doopie trying to be cool, she's so above the pettiness of internet culture}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Kill My Enemies123.png
File:DoopieDoover Lying Whore5675.png|'''{{archive|hmUO9|This person hurt my feelings. Spam them. I want them fired. I demand that they be punished. This does not include sexual assault or rape}}'''
File:Doopie Lies 1234.png|Everybody is judged but the second '''{{archive|VDFgE|Doopie thinks you're judging her}}''' she breaks out in buthurt
File:Doopie DoOver Be The User5645.png|'''{{archive|2bCrY|Doopie says use them before they can use you}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Names His Victim77789.png|Hint! In case you missed it, this is the "Artist" who took Doopie for Five dollars. A few days later she says she won't drop their '''{{archive|pPwru|name}}'''
File:Doopie Bockpeddles 777121.png|Doopie doesn't want to ruin someone's rep so she wont name the artist's twitter that she earlier '''{{archive|CEbEa|named}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Name Dropper 778676.png|No! It was an accident. Doopie wouldn't do it '''{{archive|9nqCR|again}}'''
File:Doopie Hates The Word Negro78.png|Remember, Doopie hates the word '''{{archive|EproT|nigger}}''' and wants you to think that she's progressive Trailor Trash that hates racism
File:Doopie Death to All Jews 5647.png|But screaming, "Sieg Heil!" Followed by, "Tod für alle Juden!" Is the pinnacle of '''{{archive|JQwFh|humour}}'''
=== A Look At Doopie's So Called Depression ===
{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="150px" widths="150px" class="center">
File:Poor Little Doopie DoOver 64310.png|'''{{archive|D6taF}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Feels Bad 7676.png|'''{{archive|D6taF}}
File:Doopie heroin withdrawal 3323.png|A stuffy nose and flu like symptoms are well known symptoms of heroin '''{{archive|PExuv|withdrawal}}'''
File:Jess dont get it.jpg|'''{{archive|BySUT|Jess stood at the plate looking to fire some sarcasm off into the cheap seats and nailed Doopie right in the face.}}''' Or is that who he was aiming for?
What Doopie refers to as symptoms of her depression:
#Sensation that life feels more real than real
#Not feeling like herself
#A big aching hole in the center of her
Some have said that what she's always claiming as depression sounds exactly like the [ dope sickness] someone goes through when they are withdrawing from a drug like [[heroin]].<br>
== Doopie Does It Only For The Cash ==
{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="150px" widths="150px" class="center">
File:12doopielovesmoney897.png|'''{{archive|4yfCt|It's all about them Benjamins}}'''
File:11doopiedoovermoneylust123.jpg|'''{{archive|FXAdO|Doopie has no need for friends. All she wants are customers that will give her money.}}'''
File:Steam Succ Wallet.jpg|Doopie works hard for the money shot
File:Doopie DoOver Money Shot 980.gif|Doopie taking a money shot to the face
File:Doopie DoOver Takes It In The Face 789.jpg|Like all attention whores, Doopie will claim to have taken a money shot or two if it increase her E-Begging '''{{archive|xIpJ7|contributors}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Money Lust456765.png|'''{{archive|08Xrh|Is this about clothes or is Doopie saying, ''"You're fucking lucky to get 1 image every 3 months from my patreon?"''}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver 10 Years Of Whoring196743.png|'''{{archive|7jYD0|Doopie's proud to say that she's been E-Whoring since she was 14. The sad part about this post is is she actually thinks her wordplay is clever}}'''
File:Notice The-Dog Food56765.png|Maybe this is why Doopie always begs for money.  Who keeps dogfood in their bedroom when they're living on their '''{{archive|AEvzV|own?}}'''
Being the selfless and philosophical soul that she is, Doopie did her best to [[shit]] all over this [[Oldfag|antiquated]] ideal that art is produced selflessly and with no promise of reward or gain when she chose to criticize people for not following through with their promises made to donate to her patreon admitting to the world that her only motivation is her getting paid. <br>
Her art, if you do want to see it, only gets shown as "Teasers" on her [[Twatter]] and if you want to see more than just the one image that has been re-framed to show nothing, then you must go to her Patreon and make the minimum donation of $25 a month.  <br>
==== What Will Doopie Do For Five Dollars? ====
{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="220px" widths="220px" class="center">
File:Doopie DoOver Lobes Money5645.png|'''{{archive|Cyh2C}}'''
File:Doopie Whines For$5 6785.png|'''{{archive|ubz1P}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Mtn Dew 7104.png|'''{{archive|ubz1P}}'''
Now remember, all this is coming from an [[Ebegging]], Patreon panhandler that is always sitting there shaking her plastic '''Dixie''' cup with a few cents in it like a vagrant on a [[New York]] subway asking for a handout, claiming that her depression and crying spells keep her from working but she can somehow muscle through being on the [[internets]] for 8 or 9 hours a day.<br>
== Doopie The High School Drop Out ==
{{Main|Doopie DoOver/Drugs}}
{{frame|<gallery perrow=3 class="middle"; heights="200px" widths="200px">
Image:11doopiehome111.png|The Doopie Ancestral Home.  She's basically Trailer Trash.  Yes, that's an ice-cream truck.  Her love of CP is explained.
Image:Doopiecrapart111.png|This shows how dumb Doppie is in that she could fuck up such a cliche, year one, [[art school]] style image
{{Quote|<b>The thing I don't get is how Doopie actually thought she could write an anime about being in High School when she's never been to it herself</b>|TrippinKahlua from KiwiFarms on Doopie's Matsu DaYo Circus}}
In a twitter post, Doopie admitted that she dropped out of school.  Most of you right now are slapping your computer desks in epiphany and saying, '''"That's why she's so fucking dumb!"'''<br>
In an act of [[Unwarranted Self-Importance|complete arrogance]] Doopie claimed that her lack of [[education]] hasn't been detrimental to her, even claiming that she is [[money|successful]].  If you call [[Ebegging]], selling animated [[CP|child porn]] and sucking dicks for $250 a squirt to pay your rent and buy food successful, then Doopie is the most succesful [[White trash|Trailer Park Princess]] in the land.<br>
The fact that Doopie never finished  High School and went on to college can be seen in her everyday dealings.  For instance, her language skills are beyond horrible.  We're  not going to go too deep into this but we will say she believes that synonyms, despite their definition, can be used interchangably.  Some examples of this are Hang and Drape, fall and declivity, loiter and saunter, garrote and choke or even sip and absorb.<br>
Doopie's drawings have very little or almost no variability.  All she is capable of drawing is one specific [[Animu]] style pic that looks vaguely similar to [[Sailor Moon|Sailor Mercury]].  Many people that draw animu also do different styles as well to help in developing their talent like realism, cubism, modern, surrealism, cartoon etc that can be seen in their art. Her style is pitifully bland.  Further, all her work is stylistically similar, almost everything of hers is the 3/4 [[Animu|anime glamour shot]] showing a real lack in art theory and design.  All Doopie is is a one-trick pony that can only draw animu or do drawings of underage anime characters in sexual situations, [[CP]]. <br>
Her photography, as one can see from the posted examples, focuses very little on the elements of photography such as composition, depth of field, shape, and lighting and looks more like something someone would expect a tourist to take on a vacation to prove that they actually did something and were there. <br>
Finally, she has very little trust in [[fact]]s choosing to believe her friends when it comes to something that can be easily looked up on the internet.
=== Doopie The Eternal Dumbass ===
{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="150px" widths="150px" class="center">
File:1doopiedboy11q.png|To quote The Who, '''🎶It's a boy Mrs. Walker.  It's a boy🎶'''
File:Doopie DoOver is Du mb678.png|'''{{archive|e0hEE|Talking about Politics and the environment is mature, swearing for no other reason than to impress 12-year-olds, because you think it will make you sound grown up, talking about taking a shit or doing drugs just to get high is usually considered immature and filed under adult content}}'''
File:Doopie answers it herself 4343.png|Trust us, If you were a boy you'd be digging '''{{archive|IzrJS|ditches}}'''
File:Poor dumb doopie 7098.png|See! See! I'm smart. At 24 I just learned something every third grader '''{{archive|WnYZ9|already knows}}'''
File:Doopie dog groomer 678.png|This is why you should stay in school kids. '''{{archive|tmTQu|Dog Grooming}}''' is at the bottom of the heap and what recently released convicts are made to do.  If you don't want to be stuck sweeping up hair remember, even a beautician needs a high school diploma, beauty school and a license to practice.
File:Doopie Astrononmy 101 .jpg|'''{{archive|lmHKS|it has to do with the tilt of the Earth's axis}}'''
=== ??????? ===
{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="150px" widths="150px" class="center">
File:Doopie Dumass 61234.png|Artists that can't turn work in on time are so unprofessional and give other artists a bad '''{{archive|SqT69|name}}'''
File:Doopie Dumbass 50280.png|I've been too busy smoking dope to get my commissions out on time.  You'll get them when I fucking do them.  Whenever the fuck that '''{{archive|yr5Df|is}}'''
File:Doopie Wah Attention 609.png|Doopie's behind on her commissions so instead of getting off her big, fat ass and doing them she cries for '''{{archive|NtNpB|attention}}'''
File:Lies lies lies878.png|if you're spun so tight that the ER has to sedate you, you're ass is going to the rubber ramada because you're most likely on '''{{archive|EFwYY|Meth}}'''
File:Doopie d lying whore 5.png|Yet she wasn't  admitted and actually thinks she would have a choice if she was acting so crazy they had to sedate '''{{archive|B7eCv|her fat crazy ass}}'''.  Also, if she was so crazy like she wants everyone to believe, wouldn't she be disabled out and sucking on the teat of welfare and government aid?
File:Doopie Fails again.jpg|'''{{archive|XC24h|We hope you're starting to see a pattern here}}'''.  Doopie gets high, doesn't want to live up to expectations and get her art out on time then cries despite her claiming to be a professional artist.
File:Another Delay 5634234.jpg|'''{{archive|IaWaO|Another delay, good thing she doesn't claim to be an artist because she can't seem to turn her shit in on time}}'''
File:Doopie d whore t890.jpg|'''{{archive|WAhR0|you should be noticing by now, the more Doopie gets behind in her work the more panic attacks she has.}}'''
== What [[4Chan]] Thinks Of Doopie ==
{{frame|<gallery  class="middle"; heights="200px" widths="200px">
File:Doopie Doover Kiwi Cow5645.png|[ Once Doopie got Chris on the hook she went looking to cash it in for internet fame]
The consensus of [[4Chan]] is that Doopie DoOver is an insufferable [[cunt]] that knew exactly what she was getting into with [[Chris Chan]] well before she ran away crying and calling [[Chris Chan]] a crazy stalker freak because people had warned her, ahead of time, about Chris's eccentricities such as his instantly falling in love with anything that he thinks is cute, believes that they have a [[vagina]] and pays him attention.  Doopie's whole motive, they believe, was making money and because Chris was giving her $250 on Patreon every month. [[4Chan]] believes that Doopie only kept on friendly terms with Chris to keep the money coming in and thinking it would get him even bigger donations if he could convince Chris that there was something between them.<br>
Like most people on the [[internets]] believe, once Doopie became unpopular and started getting attacked personaly for grifting Chris Chan, what was once seen as acceptable behaviour from Chris such as the pet names like Dear and Honey, the [[Rule 34]] Sonichu art and 4 A.M. California time phone calls, quickly became intolerable.  Needing to get rid of Chris and cast herself as the victim, Doopie used the excuse that he was a creepy stalker jerk to distance herself from and get rid of Chris while [[fail|trying]] to turn all the attention she gave Chris into a joke.<br>
Surprisingly, most [[4Chan]] members would have a positive, or rather a neutral outlook on Doopie if she had just walked away and cut all ties with Chris like she said she would.  It's the fact that the first thing Doopie did when she broke it off with Chris was to run straight to [[Kiwi Farms]] and [[CWCki]] to post every email that Chris had ever written her does nothing but convince them that this was all an elaborate plan to play Chris for a joke while earning Doopie some [[Money|bank]].<br>
== Doopie and Chris Chan ==
{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="150px" widths="150px" class="center">
Image:doopie007.jpg|Our Trailor Trash Princess with a little less make up
Image:doopie32.png|thumb|right|'''{{archive|ocd04|Doopie admits to wanting to screw a dog}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Chases CWC545453.png|'''{{archive|LXqtx|The chase begins as Doopie starts stalking Chris Chan}}'''
File:Doopie Needs Company 8787.png|Doopie is lonely and looking for a manchild to talk '''{{archive|7cxbO|to}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Huge Clit 111.png|People still pretend that they don't know where the tranny rumor '''{{archive|KTBb0|started}}'''
File:Doopie the pig 678.png|In case you needed more evidence how alike Doopie and Chris Chan '''{{archive|J532d|Are}}'''
{{Quote|<b>Chris is a fag</b>|Doopie DoOver}}
Unlike most normal sane people who have come in contact with [[Chris Chan]] and are deserving of some sympathy, Doopie DoOver deserves no such thing.<br>
For over a year, when Doopie was having a good old time being Chris' object of affection and Love goal, she, Doopie, ignored people's outright warnings and threats about what [[Psycho|Chris is capable of]].  Even going so far as setting out to personally antogonize people by saying that Chris is a decent person and not deserving of anyone's ridicule. <br>
It wasn't until current events started to echo The Megan Affair that Doopie DoOver started worrying about her [[ass|little moneymaker]] and started heading advice from others, mostly [[Kiwi Farms]] because she didn't want to see a flood of childish porn being posted on the internet titled "Doopie Came For CWC".<br>
It started like every Girl Quest fuck up in Chris History.  Chris got over protective and jealous, letting his disguise of being a decent person drop and let everyone see, again, what a [[fucktard]] of a [[cocksucker]] he is.<br>
Chris didn't like some game doopie was playing with her [[Cuckoldry|boyfriend]] on twitter.  Chris argued that any insult aimed at Doopie DoOver challenged the [[white knight|honor]] of his precious Trailor Park Princess and he told Doopie's boyfriend, sugar daddy, what he thought.  Chris started by saying that Doopie was a [[lie|delicate flower]] and didn't deserve such treatment at the hands of someone who claimed to love her and if Doopie was his, Chris would treat her like the meth bred royalty that she is.<br>
This had been coming for a while.  Earlier Chris had already started to [[stalk|monopolize]] Doopie's time when she was online wanting Doopie to only talk to him.  According to Doopie, the whole of Chris conversations were about [[porn]], [[My Little Pony]] porn, [[Sailor Moon]] porn, [[Evangelion]] porn, [[The Powerpuff Girls|Power Puff Girls]] porn, drawing porn, buying porn, renting porn, watching porn and [[hentai]].<br>
Finally seeing Chris for the [[shit|piece of shit]], [[autistic|asstard]] overgrown  [[manchild]] threat to humanity and the gene pool that he is, Doopie DoOver decided to confirm the rumors that she is a [[tranny]] - crushing Chris' oversized, conjested heart because Chris has a near phobic obsession and rationalizations when it comes to being gay.  Dress up in your mother's panties and take hormones to grow tits, perfectly straight to Chris.  Hit on a guy dressed up as a girl that probably [[kill yourself|has a dick bigger than you]], totally gay.
Since this revelation, Chris has [[butthurt|avoided the internet]] but like all of Chris' past love failures he will bounce back and quickly start claiming that Doopie DoOver was just another pawn designed by the evil [[Jews]] to make him look silly and ruin his chances of ever becoming a publishing megahouse because his words are the cure for [[Final solution|Jews]] and [[niggers]].<br>
So, it's safe to say, [[Jews]] 3 million, Chris 0.<br>
If [[Chris Chan]] is right and a cabal of [[Jews]] have it in for him, are The Jews really such bad guys?
=== Doopie And Chris Chan Version 2.0: [[Chris Chan]] To Doopie, '''"Soon My Precious"''' ===
{{frame|<gallery class="middle"; heights="200px" widths="200px">
Image:Cwcsoon123.png|'''{{archive|A0TdK|The [[IRL]] creepiness}}'''
Image:Chrisdoopie123.jpg|Chris taking Doopie home to meet his [[Your Mom|his mom]] Babs
In a [[Twatter]] post that had Doopie running for the library to find a [[nerd]] to research the least painless suicide methods, on the promise of getting to touch some [[boobs|boob]], (High School drop out, she can't read) and then braving East L.A. with the hope  of finding some [[Gang|Norteños]] willing to travel to [[Virginia]] and give [[Chris Chan]] a shotgun enema because, recently, his creepiness level jumped well [[over 9000]] when he made the extant claim that it is only a matter of time before  he and Doopie are together.<br>
We all know [[Chris Chan|Chris']] marriage fantasy but Doopie doesn't, so here it is:  Chris' money is his that he gets to spend on legos, video games and whatever his [[tard]] brain wants.  <br>
Believe it or not, that's the happy ending version.  The other, more probable ending has you, Doopie, tied up and hidden under his bed like a [[money|$10 fuck doll]], first alive and after he forgets to feed you for a couple of months, [[dead]].<br>
Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials.<br>
=== Doopie and Chris Chan Version 3.0 ===
{{frame|<gallery class="middle"; heights="400px" widths="230px">
File:Doopie DoOver Hates Autism7676890.png|[ G-D Damn it! Why wont he sperg?  You promised that he would. That's the whole reason I did this. I've seen the heights of him sperging and I want him doing exactly that for me!]
In the true [[cunt]] fashion that everyone has come to expect from Doopie DoOver and about 3 hours after Chris made his [[Insane|We'll be together forever Doopie]]" post, Doopie readily emasculated [[Chris Chan]] with 2 [[twitter]] posts - telling him exactly what was already known.  The attention on the internet she was giving Chris was purely professional and only done with the intent of profit.  In other words, '''"It was all about the Benjamins [[Bitch]]!"'''<br>
With [[Chris Chan]] still believing that he and Doopie are still friends and Doopie only blocking him because of '''"Them damn, dirty [[trolls]]"''' like the [[Cocktease|cock teasing bitch]] she is, Doopie plainly stated that she and [[Chris Chan]] are not friends, have never been friends and that he's a serious [[sick fuck]] to even imagine that there could ever be anything between them.<br>
This is the third time that Chris has scared away a [[E-begging|prostitute]].  The first two claimed to move out of state.  Doopie, I guess, wont ever be returning to DC for it's Anime convention for fear that Chris might be waiting there for her.<br>
=== Doopie And Chris Chan Version 3.1===
{{frame|<gallery  class="middle"; heights="400px" widths="230px">
Much like a dog that has learned that it will get a treat if it holds up its paw and pretends to be injured, Doopie has taken to dragging her ass up and down the carpets of [[Kiwi Farms]] begging for attention in anyway she can get it.<br>
=== Doopie And Chris Chan Version 3.2 Doopie Begs For More ===
{{frame|<gallery  class="middle"; heights="400px" widths="230px">
File:1doopiedumbslut111.png|[ Doopie tries to hide her involvement in all this with some pretend sympathy]
=== Doopie And Chris Chan 4.0: Doopie Becomes Chris Chan  ===
<center>{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="150px" widths="150px" class="center">
File:Doopie no work.jpg|Doopie can't get a job because all that anti-Semitism, racism and child porn she posted was her right to do so and no one had a right to record '''{{archive|JF7jz|it or chastise her for it}}'''
File:Danielle Pitts Sues The internet08.jpg|'''{{archive|JF7jz|Danielle Anita Pitts Esq.}}'''
File:Doopie crazy 234.jpg|'''{{archive|v8vdN|I'm crazy. Give me money}}'''
File:Doopie crazy 5090.jpg|'''{{archive|v8vdN|Give me your money or else I'll have to resort to being in a tickle porno again}}'''
File:Doopy crazy1234.jpg|'''{{archive|ok8kL|I'm super succesful}}''' Don't let my constant money begging convince you otherwise.
== Doopie's More Obvious Personality Traits ==
=== Doopie Is A Progressive Hipster ===
{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="200px" widths="200px" class="center">
File:Doopie Doover Cant win55565555.png|When Doopie finds herself in an argument she goes into simple definitions and ideas that she doesn't define so she can restrict the '''{{archive|4iXAR|argument}}'''
File:Doopie Runs From Argument555646.png|Unable to win with such tactics, she calls it '''{{archive|4iXAR|quits}}'''
Notice that Doopie has given no definition of how she defines art.  She has done this intentionaly so that she can define art any way she wishes and include any piece of paper used to wipe someone's ass.  '''The Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy''' uses the following '''Uncontroversial Idea''' to define art. . .
{{Quote|(iv) Traditionally, artworks are intentionally endowed by their makers with properties, usually perceptual, having a significant degree of aesthetic interest, often surpassing that of most everyday objects|[ The Definition Of Art]}}
And pornography being defined as
{{Quote|Here is a first, simple definition. Pornography is any material (either pictures or words) that is sexually explicit.|[ What Is Pornography]}}
So by definition, any sexually explicit image that contains a person who is underage is '''Child Pornography'''
=== Doopie Is a Hypocrite ===
{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="150px" widths="150px" class="center">
File:Doopie DoOver Super Tard90007.png|'''{{archive|fq8YM}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Super Tard453.png|'''{{archive|QQtz7|The way she handles someone calling people names is to call them names?}}'''
File:Doopie cry some-more 678.jpg|You're supposed to read this, ignorant to the fact that she has '''{{archive|9rA2x|7 or 8 twitter accounts}}'''
File:Doopie dope 420.jpg|'''{{archive|SCKYo|Only when she's being attacked for her glamorizing drugs is glorifying drug use bad}}''' Remember, she also claims to be A Bi-Bi-Polar
As anyone who has observed Doopie, or even casually talked with her for some time knows, Doopie is a hypocrite and it's quite common for her to contradict himself, even within the same conversation.<br>
Much like the majority of [[retard|California Liberals]], Doopie's opinion depends on the subject or what the current opinion is.  One second child molestation will be bad when she's begging for money and 2 days later be nothing more then children engaging in their natural sexual curiousity and it's society that unfairly makes children feel bad about [[sickfuck|such expressions of love]] when she's defending his [[Child Porn]].<br>
==== Doopie Pretends To Be Against Child Porn ====
{{Main|Doopie DoOver/Sick Fuckery}}
{{frame|<gallery class="middle"; heights="300px" widths="300px>
File:Doopie DoOver Hypocrite3467896.png|'''{{archive|3LBQM}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Answer 65709.png|One can safely deduce that Doopie produces child porn because it {{archive|bw7K7|Turns Her On}}
Despite losing what might have been a customer of hers and being accused of producing what can be best described as animated, [[CP|Child Pornographic]] grooming materials designed so that [[pedophile]]s can convince their future, underaged victim that it's perfectly fine for them to play with their molester's [[penis|pee-pee]] because all the cool kindergarten kids are doing it, Doopie has currently taken to reporting and celebrating the arrests and convictions of [[Sick Fuck]]s  despite the fact that she is a producer of material that contributes to this same societal ill and victimization of children by reinforcing the fantasies of sick fucks that children want to be [[sex]]ually active,  sexored by adults or are looking for an older, sexually experienced adult to teach them.<br>
Despite earlier arguments and posts where Doopie has taken an apologist and pro-pedophile stance with arguments that [[CP|Child Porn]] is only pictures and children are naturally curious about and want to learn about sex, Doopie has recently started a [[Twitter]] PR campaign where she tries to appear as though she is against crimes committed against children while, at the same time, promoting her [[KittenBellNSFW]] Patreon site where she sells images of [[loli|Early, teenage girls]] like Yumi Yoshimura and pretteen girls like Lillie from [[Pokemon]] and has '''RECENTLY''' started making the claim that all the subjects in her images are all 18 despite their obvious lack of secondary, sexual characteristics and small stature with them, sometimes, being half the size of the man [[fuck]]ing them.
=== Doopie Is A Homophobe ===
{{Main|Doopie DoOver/Sick Fuckery}}
{{Main|Super Planet Dolan}}
{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="150px" widths="150px" class="center">
File:1chrisisgay111.png|'''{{archive|ekW1T|Just being picked as [[Drama]] whore of the years wins Doopie a Thesaurus Rex}}'''
1chrisisgay222.png|Is it the Southern Breeding. Is it the shoes. Gotta be the shoes.
File:Doopie DoOver Homophobe 67s4.png|'''{{archive|PKhDe|Doopie's favorite reply}}'''
File:Dolan abrasive 609090.png|'''{{archive|Cci8a}}'''
File:Doopie Hates fags 56543.png|Using the excuse that it's the reader's responsibility to correctly interpret the context of a word being used and if any negativity is arrived at, it is the readers fault is another excuse to avoid responsability because the '''{{archive|a8Mtr|American Colloquial}}''' clearly defines the word faggot as an '''{{archive|KGzgj|insult}}''' against gay men
{{Quote|<b>At Planet Dolan we like hiring people that are neither abrassive or will offend a large group of people</b>| Dolan's Brother refusing an offer from an ED editor to write for Planet Dolan}}
{{Quote|<b>I take it Gay's aren't people than</b>?|Ed Editor's reply to Dolan's Brother}}
Recently on a [[youtube]] page, [[Whore|Doopie]] called a short [[youtube]] movie, '''One Heartbeat''' [[Gay]].  Not so bad because she was quickly reprimanded by the page's viewers for his [[stupid|transgression]].
With her eyes full of tears and her [[ass]] freshly torn and bleeding from her [[butthurt]] Doopie let her [[GOTIS]] get the best of her as she sheltered herself deep inside her [[Twitter]] [[Safe Space]], with a [[Penis|binky]] in her mouth, to beg all her [[cuckold]] followers to ease her mind by telling him that she is incapable of [[hate]], that she is the most [[Bullshit|open minded person]] they know and her [[soul]] is most like the [[religion|Buddha's]].<br>
==== Doopie Hates The New Captain America Because He's Black And Gay ====
{{frame|<gallery  class="middle"; heights="400px" widths="230px">
File:Doopie DoOver Racist Family1029.png|'''{{archive|c9VaR|Doopie tells us where she gets it then brags that her family hasn't lynched a nigger in years}}'''
Being like all Southern, redneck, confederate flag flying Americans Doopie DoOver has an abhorrence to change that can only be compared to the most [[autistic]] child that is shitting in his hand at dinnertime and throwing it against the wall because his beans were replaced with peas.<br>
Despite his many [[rule 34]] [[FanFiction|Fan Drawings]] where it seems like she's simply picking characters at random to [[ship]], because they have no logical reason to be together, for no other reason  than she wants to draw them having [[sex]].  Doopie has accused Marvel of selling out to fans and making the new Captain America [[gay]] just because a minority of fans want to see him [[anal|ass rape]] Bucky and black only because they want the [[Fanservice]] of seeing it getting done with a big black cock.<br>
=== 卐 Doopie Is An Anti-Semite 卐 ===
{{Main|Doopie DoOver/Sick Fuckery}}
{{frame|<gallery perrow=5 heights="150px" widths="150px" class="center">
File:Screenshot 20171123-223004.png|'''{{archive|CVCqy}}'''
File:Q1 Doopie DoOver Anti Semite.png
File:112 doopie doover anti semite 123.png|'''{{archive|8HQ1G}}'''
File:7209612.gif|If you're Doopie DoOver you're laughing your ass off to this pic
File:111 Doopie Doover Hypocritical pig 333.png|'''{{archive|xiwql|Like all liberal, Nazi sympathisers and apologists, Doopie is only for a censorship free internet when it's her brand of accepted smut you're looking at}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Nazi Supporter 56567.png|'''{{archive|DLRLE}}'''
File:Doopie ignores-warning 5464.png|What's ironic about Doopie's Hitler post is a number of people warned her and suggested she '''{{archive|ZzX3P|delete it}}'''
File:Holocaust 5.jpg|Doopie says this is ball slapping funny
File:Doopie DoOver American Nazi67546.png|'''{{archive|I4wCk|Who didn't see this coming? Doopie is a fan of someone who supports Neo-Nazis.}}'''
File:Doopie DoOver Reich.jpg|Doopie DoOver: Wir sollten alle in Ehrfurcht und Gebet vor dem Altar des Vaterlandes niederknien
File:Doopie Delete.jpg|'''{{archive|zKBHh|try and prove me a Nazi after I openly admit to deleting my Anti-Semitic Posts}}'''
In the out and out [[Hypocrisy]] we have come to expect from '''Doopie DoOver's''' constant back peddling on issues and his duplicity it is no surprise that he is an out-of-the closet [[Anti-semitism|Anti-semite]] who would defend [[PewDiePie]]'s right to ''"Wish that all [[Jew]]s would die"'' because '''PewDiePie''', along with Doopie, finds the deaths of 3 million People knee slapping hilarious and because, [[Doopie DoOver#Doc Brown AKA Doc Jingles|ironically]], Doopie doesn't believe in censorship on the [[internets]].<br>
The surprising thing about Doopie is for all her claims about wanting to be a better person, wanting to lead the world into an age of hugs and glowing warmth defined by [[My Little Pony]] and the [[SJW|Social Justice Ideals]] that everyone has a right to be themselves, like pedophiles and child molesters, without being assaulted or attacked for being the person who they really are - Doopie seems to invest a lot of time hating on differant people and groups for no other reason than these people belong to different groups than she does.<br>
As Doopie always comes back with the simple excuse that she should be allowed to hate against one group or another because she belongs to or is a member of these groups, such as when she was called out for hating on gay people Doopie all of a sudden made the claim that she was [[gay|Bi]], we expect our favorite Swastika flag flying, Florida trailor park Schweinhund to claim that she is all of a sudden Jewish or will instantly have a Jewish relative and understands, intimately, the plight of the Jews.<br>
==Doopie’s Anthem==
<center><big>'''Please stand for Doopie’s Anthem of Deesorders.'''</big></center>
==See Also==
*[[Chris Chan]]
*[[Daniel Sieradski]] One of Doopie's many role models
*[[Eclipse]] A [[Evolution|Darwin Test]] devised by [[religion|G-D]] to tempt dumbass pot heads like Doopie DoOver and the [[Asperger|Short Bus]] population over at [[Kiwi Farms]] into melting their eyes straight out of their skulls by staring at it.
*[[GothNebula]] Doopie and GothNebula were cut from the same cloth
*[[Hozupindahows00s]] Makes Doopie look like a Master Artist
*[[Mental Illness]]
*[[@Ozcult]] This is what Doopie wishes she could be
*[[Roseanne Barr]] Where Doopie learned the, ''"This joke wasn't racist.  You're just not getting the context"'' excuse to mask her race hate.
*[[Shoe0nHead]]  Doopie thinks that Shoe0nHead and [[Boxxy]] are one and the same
*[[Stoner Guru]]
*[[Trailer Park Princess]]
*[[Vicki Sigh]] Special thanks to Jaltoid for pointing us in the direction of this one
==External Links==
*[mailto:[email protected] email]
*[ Doopie Releases emails] between her and Chris Chan '''{{archive|XIVER|(Archived)}}'''
*{{fb|doopie.doover|Her Facebook}}
*{{kfuser|doopie.17094|Her KiwiFarms account}}
*{{deviantart|doopiedoover|Her Deviantart}}
*{{Twitter|dani_willow|Dani_Willow}} Locked
*{{twitter|KittenBellNSFW|Her Child Porn Twitter Account}}  Remember, even if she's 2 foot high, as flat as a board and riding a tricycle - she's 18 or older when Doopie draws her getting ass raped
*{{yt|DoopieDoOver|Her YouTube Channel}}  Moved here because people were trolling her for her gay bashing and trying to protect herself, she thinks she can hide here after the Youtube crack down on hate speech and idiots following the PewDiePie scandal.
*{{twitter|DoopieDoodles|Doopie Doodles}} Had a melt down and locked all her accounts, only one still open.
*{{tumblr|DoopieDoOver|Her Tumblr}}
*{{Instagram|dani_willow|Her Instagram}}
*{{snapchat|Dani_Willow|<s>Her Snapchat</s>}} Deleted because [[Chris Chan]] was using it for masturbation fodder
*{{twitter|doopiedoover|<s>Her Twitter</s>}} Baleeted. She only uses her NSFW alt to sell slutty cosplay photos of herself to the virgin faggots that still respect her
*{{twitter|DoopieDoDrinks|<s>Another Twitter, Protected.</s>}}
{{Template:Play Nice}}
{{dying alone}}
[[Category:How Not To Live]]

Latest revision as of 06:42, 1 September 2023

This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.

Doopie DoOver Subpage Navigation

This person is a professional E-Whore and will milk you for everything you are worth. If you have more money than brains, go ahead, give them $500 for that one of a kind, poorly drawn Dōjinshi of Sailor Moon fucking her cat.
Danielle Anita Pitts
Given Name(s) Danielle Anita Pitts (real name), Dani_Willow,  Doopie Doodles, Doopie DoDrinks, Dani James, Dani James Willow, Doopie DoOver, Doopie Doodles, KittenBellNSFW, Chi-Chan24
State Of Being Burn Out
Nationality American but will tell you how Aryan she is despite many "Muddy" generations in the trailor park
Genus Weeaboo
Species キチガイ Kichigai
Born May 27, 1994
Classification Child Pornographer, Chris-Chan Bait, Attention whore, youtuber, lolcow, Drop-out, out and out failure, Pot-Head, Wannabee Psycho Bitch, Full Time E-Begger, White trash, Trailor Park Princess, Anti-Semite, racist, Nazi
Residence California
Youtube DoopieDoOver

Doopie admits to being a pornographer by saying her work is meant only to sexually arouse
This is Doopie's level 4 Super Saiyan form and how she wants everyone to see her.
Doopie powered down
How Doopie thanks people for giving her money. Don't worry she'll tell you it's meant in a good way despite the sarcasm.

Poor Little Doopie


—Doopie's favorite words to hear when she's attention whoring

Doopie DoOver is another cancer from the internets, Millennial-type that came about from parents that think that they are doing their children a favor by letting them grow up with an unchecked ego; rationalizing all their failures by making excuses for them and letting them avoid disappointment all together by not even trying.

Like most Millennials Doopie is very quick to avoid or run away from anything that would contradict her version of the world that doesn't have her as its central star. She is quick to quit any venture that she can neither succeed or excel at, which is why she gave up on her plans to start a career in modeling and has never produced a completed project such as a graphic novel despite her trying to convince everyone on how great it's going to be or how much time she's invested into it.

She's a terminal bore to talk to, because if there hasn't been a Hetalia or Animu episode made on the subject being discussed, she knows nothing about it. This, along with her inability to take criticism, except being corrected or seeing everyone that disagrees with her as her enemy is why she favors the sycophantic type of friend that will only kiss her ass and why she has been with her magnum opus of a cuck, Jess, for so long despite her claims of having so many men lusting after her because very few people can put up with her once they get to know her.

As with so many Florida meth-head, Trailer Park Princess types Doopie is all about appearances. Much like a New World Nazi chick that thinks that dying her hair platinum blonde and wearing blue colored contacts to hide her nigger brown eyes will convince anyone looking at her that she is a member of the upper class, White Race, upon examination, doopie lacks any form of depth and has no real clue regarding the world that she so badly wants to take part in. Thinking that anime is nothing but cute animals, girls with pigtails, High School being a place to introduce characters and underaged girls with Japanese names getting raped every other scene, her ideas for stories rarely, if ever, break free from this formula.

What Doopie simply breaks down to is just another trailer park whore that is only capable of one idea and has no real style of her own. She chose to let herself become convinced that she could make it in the real world of art because so many white knights fulfilled her reason for being online and told her how good she was.

Once he started following me, I took to the farms immediately.


Doopie DoOver

Doopie The Artist

Moar info: Doopie DoOver/Art.

For someone who has made claims that she is learned in the styles of the masters like Van Gogh, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Dali and Picasso all Doopie is capable of doing is repeating the same 3 poses that all look strikingly similar to official Sailor Mercury art, putting big, soulless bug eyes on a disproportionate face and topping it all off with a hastily drawn hairstyle that has no depth or definition to it.

Like most wannabe artists, Deviant Tartlets or anyone whose Mommy convinced them that they were too special to go out and get a Job, Doopie makes a living by conning Dirty old men and intellectually challenged boys into thinking that if they contribute enough to her abject lifestyle that Doopie might become convinced of their value and become enamored with them so much that she will give up her grifter's lifestyle for them.

To paraphrase some of the interwebs better artists, "Everytime you print an image by her, You're killing a tree."

Doopie Has Only One Reply

For such a skilled artist that claims her only goal is to inspire other artists; keep them motivated and filled with the love of drawing Doopie seems to have only one reply.

When she receives Fanart based on some of his appropriated characters like her Felching racoon that is afraid of water, the only comment she can seem to muster up is to say, "How cute."

As much of this fan art is usually better than what she shits out, many people have suggested that Doopie is either Stealing these redesigns for herself to claim as her own or she is using them for ideas on how to improve her original work.

Doopie DoOver: Attention Whore

She? Really? In fairness this IS coming from a group of people who have never been close enough to a girl to talk to one
The type of post Doopie prizes

As can be accepted from most girls on the internet, Doopie appraises her self worth and validates her existence by counting how many fans she has telling her how good looking she is or with the number of greasy little boys who she can count on that will White knight all her causes and tell her how right she is.

Like most Narcissists the Girl On The Internet has to make everything about them and this is Doopie's singular talent. When Doopie made it her cause to troll Chris-Chan by convincing Chris that she might be interested in him and it ended up with Chris receiving all the attention, Doopie did what most narcissists do and reestablished that this whole event was about her by claiming that Chris was an evil stalker type that wanted to find out where she lived and kill her.

As expected, Doopie got the attention she desired with either people falling for her stalker schtick and telling them how sorry they are for her and to stay strong or by telling her how she should seek legal help and have Chris locked up as a predator.

Doopie Claims Borderline Personality Disorder

For those times when she's not feeling up to waxing her face, taking a bath, or just cleaning herself up enough to look decent enough for a selfie, Doopie decided to go onto with a list of symptoms and self diagnosis herself as someone having Borderline Personality Disorder because like most wrist cutting emos looking for attention, she knows that there is something wrong with her but she just doesn't know the name for it.

Some have defined BPD as the Ebegging whore disease because many of them are quite skilled at manipulating people out of their money and suffer from little, if any guilt, over who they might be taking money from. It doesn't matter if they're taking money from a rich fan or a mother with a cancer stricken child, they only care that they got money so there might be some veracity to Doopie's claims.

Another symptom that comes with BPD is that people with it are very skilled at playing the victim and any one who has looked at Doopie's Twitter feed for a single day can see this exact behavior. Whether it be Doopie crying her eyes out over someone that she is convinced stole FIVE BIG HUGE DOLLARS from her on DeviantArt or playing her constant game of pointing the finger and accusing someone she doesn't like as being a dangerous stalker that almost raped her - she is always the victim and has done nothing to deserve the treatment she is receiving.

Doopie DoOver And Factitious Disorders

As with all Attention Whores, claiming that they have a rare and debilitating disease is a popular past time.

In the case that their family ever wises up and tosses their ass into a nut hatchery, like all attention whores, people with fake disorders must be closely monitored when they are being treated because they are at a high risk of using the meds they are given to attempt or become an hero as a final attention getting device to prove to the doctor's observing them and the people that they are friends with that they really do have psychological disorders and that they are being misdiagnosed.

Doopie To The World: Look How Awesome I Am For Apologizing, Now Give Me Your Forgiveness

Now that Doopie's made her public apology you need to realize that if you're gay and were offended by one of Doopie's many homophobic remarks, fuck off and go suck a dick. She apologized for calling all you homos fags.

If Doopie fucked you out of money through one of her many E-Begging schemes, Fuck off already dick head, she apologized to you. NO, you won't get your money back but she did apologize.

If you're a dumbass, crack smoking, big lipped, chicken chomping nigger, fuck off tar baby. Doopie already apologized to your black, poor ass for calling you a nigger.

If you're Chris Chan, go fuck yourself cuz all that bullshit was designed for you to give Doopie your money and be a joke for Super Planet Dolan. If you still have a problem, It's because you're not mature enough to accept Doopie's generic apology that doesn't even name you.

If you find Child Porn offensive, shut the fuck up all ready because he'll start that shit back up when people forget about it.

For all Doopie's claims about being a good Christian and desiring to be a good person, her morality is very similar to that of a sociopathic serial killer in that she thinks a half-assed attempt at making something right is going above and beyond the call of taking responsibility for her mistakes.

Doopie To The World: I Really Do Want To Change. Help Me Change For The Better (after I whore money out of you)

Doopie In A Nutshell

A Look At Doopie's So Called Depression

What Doopie refers to as symptoms of her depression:

  1. Depersonalization
  2. Sensation that life feels more real than real
  3. Not feeling like herself
  4. A big aching hole in the center of her

Some have said that what she's always claiming as depression sounds exactly like the dope sickness someone goes through when they are withdrawing from a drug like heroin.

Doopie Does It Only For The Cash

Being the selfless and philosophical soul that she is, Doopie did her best to shit all over this antiquated ideal that art is produced selflessly and with no promise of reward or gain when she chose to criticize people for not following through with their promises made to donate to her patreon admitting to the world that her only motivation is her getting paid.

Her art, if you do want to see it, only gets shown as "Teasers" on her Twatter and if you want to see more than just the one image that has been re-framed to show nothing, then you must go to her Patreon and make the minimum donation of $25 a month.

What Will Doopie Do For Five Dollars?

Now remember, all this is coming from an Ebegging, Patreon panhandler that is always sitting there shaking her plastic Dixie cup with a few cents in it like a vagrant on a New York subway asking for a handout, claiming that her depression and crying spells keep her from working but she can somehow muscle through being on the internets for 8 or 9 hours a day.

Doopie The High School Drop Out

Moar info: Doopie DoOver/Drugs.

The thing I don't get is how Doopie actually thought she could write an anime about being in High School when she's never been to it herself


—TrippinKahlua from KiwiFarms on Doopie's Matsu DaYo Circus

In a twitter post, Doopie admitted that she dropped out of school. Most of you right now are slapping your computer desks in epiphany and saying, "That's why she's so fucking dumb!"

In an act of complete arrogance Doopie claimed that her lack of education hasn't been detrimental to her, even claiming that she is successful. If you call Ebegging, selling animated child porn and sucking dicks for $250 a squirt to pay your rent and buy food successful, then Doopie is the most succesful Trailer Park Princess in the land.

The fact that Doopie never finished High School and went on to college can be seen in her everyday dealings. For instance, her language skills are beyond horrible. We're not going to go too deep into this but we will say she believes that synonyms, despite their definition, can be used interchangably. Some examples of this are Hang and Drape, fall and declivity, loiter and saunter, garrote and choke or even sip and absorb.

Doopie's drawings have very little or almost no variability. All she is capable of drawing is one specific Animu style pic that looks vaguely similar to Sailor Mercury. Many people that draw animu also do different styles as well to help in developing their talent like realism, cubism, modern, surrealism, cartoon etc that can be seen in their art. Her style is pitifully bland. Further, all her work is stylistically similar, almost everything of hers is the 3/4 anime glamour shot showing a real lack in art theory and design. All Doopie is is a one-trick pony that can only draw animu or do drawings of underage anime characters in sexual situations, CP.

Her photography, as one can see from the posted examples, focuses very little on the elements of photography such as composition, depth of field, shape, and lighting and looks more like something someone would expect a tourist to take on a vacation to prove that they actually did something and were there.

Finally, she has very little trust in facts choosing to believe her friends when it comes to something that can be easily looked up on the internet.

Doopie The Eternal Dumbass


What 4Chan Thinks Of Doopie

The consensus of 4Chan is that Doopie DoOver is an insufferable cunt that knew exactly what she was getting into with Chris Chan well before she ran away crying and calling Chris Chan a crazy stalker freak because people had warned her, ahead of time, about Chris's eccentricities such as his instantly falling in love with anything that he thinks is cute, believes that they have a vagina and pays him attention. Doopie's whole motive, they believe, was making money and because Chris was giving her $250 on Patreon every month. 4Chan believes that Doopie only kept on friendly terms with Chris to keep the money coming in and thinking it would get him even bigger donations if he could convince Chris that there was something between them.

Like most people on the internets believe, once Doopie became unpopular and started getting attacked personaly for grifting Chris Chan, what was once seen as acceptable behaviour from Chris such as the pet names like Dear and Honey, the Rule 34 Sonichu art and 4 A.M. California time phone calls, quickly became intolerable. Needing to get rid of Chris and cast herself as the victim, Doopie used the excuse that he was a creepy stalker jerk to distance herself from and get rid of Chris while trying to turn all the attention she gave Chris into a joke.

Surprisingly, most 4Chan members would have a positive, or rather a neutral outlook on Doopie if she had just walked away and cut all ties with Chris like she said she would. It's the fact that the first thing Doopie did when she broke it off with Chris was to run straight to Kiwi Farms and CWCki to post every email that Chris had ever written her does nothing but convince them that this was all an elaborate plan to play Chris for a joke while earning Doopie some bank.

Doopie and Chris Chan

Chris is a fag


—Doopie DoOver

Unlike most normal sane people who have come in contact with Chris Chan and are deserving of some sympathy, Doopie DoOver deserves no such thing.

For over a year, when Doopie was having a good old time being Chris' object of affection and Love goal, she, Doopie, ignored people's outright warnings and threats about what Chris is capable of. Even going so far as setting out to personally antogonize people by saying that Chris is a decent person and not deserving of anyone's ridicule.

It wasn't until current events started to echo The Megan Affair that Doopie DoOver started worrying about her little moneymaker and started heading advice from others, mostly Kiwi Farms because she didn't want to see a flood of childish porn being posted on the internet titled "Doopie Came For CWC".

It started like every Girl Quest fuck up in Chris History. Chris got over protective and jealous, letting his disguise of being a decent person drop and let everyone see, again, what a fucktard of a cocksucker he is.

Chris didn't like some game doopie was playing with her boyfriend on twitter. Chris argued that any insult aimed at Doopie DoOver challenged the honor of his precious Trailor Park Princess and he told Doopie's boyfriend, sugar daddy, what he thought. Chris started by saying that Doopie was a delicate flower and didn't deserve such treatment at the hands of someone who claimed to love her and if Doopie was his, Chris would treat her like the meth bred royalty that she is.

This had been coming for a while. Earlier Chris had already started to monopolize Doopie's time when she was online wanting Doopie to only talk to him. According to Doopie, the whole of Chris conversations were about porn, My Little Pony porn, Sailor Moon porn, Evangelion porn, Power Puff Girls porn, drawing porn, buying porn, renting porn, watching porn and hentai.

Finally seeing Chris for the piece of shit, asstard overgrown manchild threat to humanity and the gene pool that he is, Doopie DoOver decided to confirm the rumors that she is a tranny - crushing Chris' oversized, conjested heart because Chris has a near phobic obsession and rationalizations when it comes to being gay. Dress up in your mother's panties and take hormones to grow tits, perfectly straight to Chris. Hit on a guy dressed up as a girl that probably has a dick bigger than you, totally gay.

Since this revelation, Chris has avoided the internet but like all of Chris' past love failures he will bounce back and quickly start claiming that Doopie DoOver was just another pawn designed by the evil Jews to make him look silly and ruin his chances of ever becoming a publishing megahouse because his words are the cure for Jews and niggers.

So, it's safe to say, Jews 3 million, Chris 0.

If Chris Chan is right and a cabal of Jews have it in for him, are The Jews really such bad guys?

Doopie And Chris Chan Version 2.0: Chris Chan To Doopie, "Soon My Precious"

In a Twatter post that had Doopie running for the library to find a nerd to research the least painless suicide methods, on the promise of getting to touch some boob, (High School drop out, she can't read) and then braving East L.A. with the hope of finding some Norteños willing to travel to Virginia and give Chris Chan a shotgun enema because, recently, his creepiness level jumped well over 9000 when he made the extant claim that it is only a matter of time before he and Doopie are together.

We all know Chris' marriage fantasy but Doopie doesn't, so here it is: Chris' money is his that he gets to spend on legos, video games and whatever his tard brain wants.

Believe it or not, that's the happy ending version. The other, more probable ending has you, Doopie, tied up and hidden under his bed like a $10 fuck doll, first alive and after he forgets to feed you for a couple of months, dead.

Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials.

Doopie and Chris Chan Version 3.0

In the true cunt fashion that everyone has come to expect from Doopie DoOver and about 3 hours after Chris made his We'll be together forever Doopie" post, Doopie readily emasculated Chris Chan with 2 twitter posts - telling him exactly what was already known. The attention on the internet she was giving Chris was purely professional and only done with the intent of profit. In other words, "It was all about the Benjamins Bitch!"

With Chris Chan still believing that he and Doopie are still friends and Doopie only blocking him because of "Them damn, dirty trolls" like the cock teasing bitch she is, Doopie plainly stated that she and Chris Chan are not friends, have never been friends and that he's a serious sick fuck to even imagine that there could ever be anything between them.

This is the third time that Chris has scared away a prostitute. The first two claimed to move out of state. Doopie, I guess, wont ever be returning to DC for it's Anime convention for fear that Chris might be waiting there for her.

Doopie And Chris Chan Version 3.1

Much like a dog that has learned that it will get a treat if it holds up its paw and pretends to be injured, Doopie has taken to dragging her ass up and down the carpets of Kiwi Farms begging for attention in anyway she can get it.

Doopie And Chris Chan Version 3.2 Doopie Begs For More

Doopie And Chris Chan 4.0: Doopie Becomes Chris Chan

Doopie's More Obvious Personality Traits

Doopie Is A Progressive Hipster

Notice that Doopie has given no definition of how she defines art. She has done this intentionaly so that she can define art any way she wishes and include any piece of paper used to wipe someone's ass. The Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy uses the following Uncontroversial Idea to define art. . .

(iv) Traditionally, artworks are intentionally endowed by their makers with properties, usually perceptual, having a significant degree of aesthetic interest, often surpassing that of most everyday objects


The Definition Of Art

And pornography being defined as

Here is a first, simple definition. Pornography is any material (either pictures or words) that is sexually explicit.


What Is Pornography

So by definition, any sexually explicit image that contains a person who is underage is Child Pornography

Doopie Is a Hypocrite

As anyone who has observed Doopie, or even casually talked with her for some time knows, Doopie is a hypocrite and it's quite common for her to contradict himself, even within the same conversation.

Much like the majority of California Liberals, Doopie's opinion depends on the subject or what the current opinion is. One second child molestation will be bad when she's begging for money and 2 days later be nothing more then children engaging in their natural sexual curiousity and it's society that unfairly makes children feel bad about such expressions of love when she's defending his Child Porn.

Doopie Pretends To Be Against Child Porn

Moar info: KittenBellNSFW.

Moar info: Doopie DoOver/Sick Fuckery.

Despite losing what might have been a customer of hers and being accused of producing what can be best described as animated, Child Pornographic grooming materials designed so that pedophiles can convince their future, underaged victim that it's perfectly fine for them to play with their molester's pee-pee because all the cool kindergarten kids are doing it, Doopie has currently taken to reporting and celebrating the arrests and convictions of Sick Fucks despite the fact that she is a producer of material that contributes to this same societal ill and victimization of children by reinforcing the fantasies of sick fucks that children want to be sexually active, sexored by adults or are looking for an older, sexually experienced adult to teach them.

Despite earlier arguments and posts where Doopie has taken an apologist and pro-pedophile stance with arguments that Child Porn is only pictures and children are naturally curious about and want to learn about sex, Doopie has recently started a Twitter PR campaign where she tries to appear as though she is against crimes committed against children while, at the same time, promoting her KittenBellNSFW Patreon site where she sells images of Early, teenage girls like Yumi Yoshimura and pretteen girls like Lillie from Pokemon and has RECENTLY started making the claim that all the subjects in her images are all 18 despite their obvious lack of secondary, sexual characteristics and small stature with them, sometimes, being half the size of the man fucking them.

Doopie Is A Homophobe

Moar info: Doopie DoOver/Sick Fuckery.

Moar info: Super Planet Dolan.

At Planet Dolan we like hiring people that are neither abrassive or will offend a large group of people


— Dolan's Brother refusing an offer from an ED editor to write for Planet Dolan

I take it Gay's aren't people than?


—Ed Editor's reply to Dolan's Brother

Recently on a youtube page, Doopie called a short youtube movie, One Heartbeat Gay. Not so bad because she was quickly reprimanded by the page's viewers for his transgression.

With her eyes full of tears and her ass freshly torn and bleeding from her butthurt Doopie let her GOTIS get the best of her as she sheltered herself deep inside her Twitter Safe Space, with a binky in her mouth, to beg all her cuckold followers to ease her mind by telling him that she is incapable of hate, that she is the most open minded person they know and her soul is most like the Buddha's.

Doopie Hates The New Captain America Because He's Black And Gay

Being like all Southern, redneck, confederate flag flying Americans Doopie DoOver has an abhorrence to change that can only be compared to the most autistic child that is shitting in his hand at dinnertime and throwing it against the wall because his beans were replaced with peas.

Despite his many rule 34 Fan Drawings where it seems like she's simply picking characters at random to ship, because they have no logical reason to be together, for no other reason than she wants to draw them having sex. Doopie has accused Marvel of selling out to fans and making the new Captain America gay just because a minority of fans want to see him ass rape Bucky and black only because they want the Fanservice of seeing it getting done with a big black cock.

卐 Doopie Is An Anti-Semite 卐

Moar info: Doopie DoOver/Sick Fuckery.

In the out and out Hypocrisy we have come to expect from Doopie DoOver's constant back peddling on issues and his duplicity it is no surprise that he is an out-of-the closet Anti-semite who would defend PewDiePie's right to "Wish that all Jews would die" because PewDiePie, along with Doopie, finds the deaths of 3 million People knee slapping hilarious and because, ironically, Doopie doesn't believe in censorship on the internets.

The surprising thing about Doopie is for all her claims about wanting to be a better person, wanting to lead the world into an age of hugs and glowing warmth defined by My Little Pony and the Social Justice Ideals that everyone has a right to be themselves, like pedophiles and child molesters, without being assaulted or attacked for being the person who they really are - Doopie seems to invest a lot of time hating on differant people and groups for no other reason than these people belong to different groups than she does.

As Doopie always comes back with the simple excuse that she should be allowed to hate against one group or another because she belongs to or is a member of these groups, such as when she was called out for hating on gay people Doopie all of a sudden made the claim that she was Bi, we expect our favorite Swastika flag flying, Florida trailor park Schweinhund to claim that she is all of a sudden Jewish or will instantly have a Jewish relative and understands, intimately, the plight of the Jews.

Doopie’s Anthem

Please stand for Doopie’s Anthem of Deesorders.

See Also

External Links

Doopie DoOver is part of a series on


Visit the Whores Portal for complete coverage.


Doopie DoOver may have learned to play nice with others on the internet.

     Watch this page to find out if they revert to their natural state of being an asshole   (_Y_)

Doopie DoOver is part of a series on Dying Alone

[DeadCry yourself to sleep]

Those Who Have Died Alone

Aaron BushnellAaron SwartzAdam LanzaAlexis ArquetteAmanda ToddAmy WinehouseAnal CuntAndy KaufmanAnna Nicole SmithAsa CoonBrian AdamsBrandon CrispCharmaine DragunCho Seung-huiChris BenoitChris Harper-MercerChynaCodey PorterDavid BowieDavid CarradineEazy-EEdaremElliot RodgerElvis PresleyGeorge SodiniGizgizHappyCabbieHarambeH.P. LovecraftHeath LedgerJake DavisonJeff WeiseJewWarioJim MorrisonKate SpadeKitty0706Kurt CobainLemonade CoyoteLeelah AlcornLil PeepLiloLoki BlackfangLowtaxMia JaninMegan MeierMichael JacksonMitchell HendersonMySpaceNathan GaleOtoya YamaguchiPekka-Eric AuvinenPrinceRandy StairRehtaeh ParsonsRicardo LopezRina PalenkovaRipperRobin WilliamsRonnie McNuttRudolph ZurickShawn WoolleyShayShuaibySol PaisSteve StephensTony48219TooDamnFilthyTyler DumstorfVester FlanaganWilliam AtchisonXXXTentacionZhao Zewei

Those Dying Alone

03bgood2cash2 gryphon7jackass77Adam SandlerAndrew AllansonAngry GrandpaAhuviya HarelAIDS SkrillexAkewsticRockRAlex FordAlison RappAmerica's Third PartyAmy SchumerAngry JoeAnimatedJamesAnita SarkeesianAnonymous BorgAnthony 'A-Log' LoGattoAntony AguilarApril DavisAquagirlwhitefoxArgent009Arguecat3Arin HansonArmake21AsalieriAsher2500Austin AlexanderAvantGardePonyBambifan101BarneyfagBasement DwellersBen FordBen MoynihanBenny_the_SnakeBenthelooneyBig RedBikerfoxBill9929Bill GaedeBill GatesBLACKbusterCriticBob RehahnBrandontheMovieGuyBrandon SmithBrian MuellerBrian Richard ZaigerBrianna WuBroniesButLovaByAppointmentToCarl the CuckCartoonjunkieCaseydeckerCatboyKamiCheeyevChloe SagalChris-chanChris CrockerChuck M.Clint of Rise and FallCopperCabCorey MargeraCoughlan666CrazyvideosandrantsCrinklemonCyraxxDaniel BrandtDan CilleyDane CookDani FilthDarius McCollumDarknessthecurseDarksydePhilDave ChapelleDave MustaineDavid HockeyDaxflameDBoyWheelerDeekerDeterminedToDrawUTDev-catscratchDGTrixieDiaper BoyDillon CosseyDiogo MendesDisneyFan01DisneyMasterDJ KEEMSTARDnepropetrovsk maniacsDodgerofZionDogpatch PressDon RobertsDoodletonesDoomer3868Dorian_GayDoug WalkerDragoneerDrakonDrossRotzankDoomentioDustinEDP445Emer PrevostEmosEpic Fat GuyEpicKitty54Eric AbramovEric RidenourErik RibsskogErtasVideosFilthy FrankFagolescentsFanFic CriticFast EddieFat ManFaust & Pory Five Nights at Freddy's fansFlardoxFluffy teh wolfForeverKailynFriends of A-LogFurriesG-ZayGather Against FateGeorge LopezGeosheaGhostGirlvinylGlobelampGoddessMilleniaGraykatGreg MazujianGwen GaleGwen StefaniHarmful OpinionsHellkiller777I Dislike Cis PeopleI Hate EverythingIan Miles CheongIchverboticze⁴rImma-The-DeerInkBunnyIsabella Loretta JankeJamil The KingJessi SlaughterJessica LeedsJim ProfitJINXDROWNEDJoe Crusher PicklesJoekerJohn BullaJohn FieldJohn KricfalusiJohn Patrick RogersJonathan McIntoshJonmonJonTronJoseph CampJoseph8276Joshua "Null" MoonJuggalosJustinRPGKat DenningsKendall JennerKeegan SalisburyKathleen ToddKenny GlennKevin HavensKeffalsKimmo Johan AlmKingEmpoleonKingMasterReviewKrashedLaci GreenLarry the Cable GuyLauren FaustLeafyIsHereLecarickLeigh AlexanderLeisureSuitGamingLena DunhamLeonard F. Shaner Jr.Leslie JonesLifeInATentLikeicareLinkaraLittleCloudLittleKuribohLogo KidsLordelthibarLow Tier GodLucian HodobocM. ChaosA Man in BlackManchildrenMar9122MarblesMariotehplumberMarjan SiklicMatthew DavisMatthew NicholsonMcJuggerNuggetsMDetector5‎MeowbarkMeganSpeaksMichael BattonMichael FitzhywelMichael GimsonMike SandyMoleman9000Monica PunkMonkeyGameGuidesMoviebobMumkey JonesMuZemikeMylarBalloonFanMysteriousMrEnterMysticArkNaokoElric2250NawlinWikiNeckbeardsNeoGAFNick BateNick BravoNikkineko333Noah AntwilerNostalgia ChickNotchNullcherriObjectfagsOFWGKTAOnideus Mad HatterOnyx ForepawPacificoceanasiaPaigeGirlPaul FeigPaulie CalafioreParkourdude91Peter BrightPeter CoffinPhantomStrider8Phil FishPhunWithLogicPinkieponyPit ViperPixyteriPeluchin EntertainmentPMRantsPreachingthegospelQuentin TarantinoRachael MacFarlaneRandi HarperRichard ReidRicki RavenRMG ProductionsRobert StaintonRobert Wayne StilesRockosockoRomeo RoseRootbrianRose3212Sad FrogSammyClassicSonicFanSam PepperSarah ButtsSarahisniftySaturnDOSSceptreSchnookumsSegacampSega KidSeth MacFarlaneSethistoShadmanSimply OkamiSlowbeef & DiabetusSnapesnoggerSonic SaviorSonmanicSony-MaeSophie LabelleSpax3StormySuperlisamcbSusan BoyleTara StrongTheAmazingAtheistTheDOSFagTheSockDetectiveTim BuckleyTJ LaneTodd in the ShadowsTom PrestonToonEGuyTourneyfagsTrey Eric SeslerTrigglypuffTyciolTyler GarmanyUlillilliaThe Unknown AutobotVadeVinceintheBayWade FulpWeatherManKevinWesley!!!WoWfan4lifeWwwareaWeegeeisgoingtokillmXenuriaYandereDevYoshiwii1Youyoungbloodfantasy91Zoe QuinnZone

Their Methods

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