King Critic

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King Critic (Powerword: David Clegg) is a Sadcucks fanboy and weeb who is known for ogling underage girls and taking pictures of them at public pools and trying to justify to his pedo lust by calling himself "minor attracted" and then acting he never admitted to being that way later on. He first was discovered in the comments section of an autistic monkey. Being autistic himself, David grew attached to the monkey's content, especially a joke video where he thought Mumkey was unironically defending pedophiliaGONE FOREVER. Little did he know, his relationship with the monkey would become his downfall.

King Critic vs. Dick Masterson

To make a pitifully long story short: because Sadcucks is a slanderous faggot, he told Asterios Kokkinos and some other people to not go on The Dick Show and Asterios made this public. David, however, couldn't let his senpai be "slandered" by this infomation so he decided to fight for Maddox's honor by going on Facebook and talking to shit to Dick, even though he wasn't the one who revealed this. But eventually David decided to take his faggotry to the next level by going on an episode of The Dick Show (Timestamp 1:23:30).

As expected of someone with his kind of neurotype, he did nothing but throw dumb accusations at everyone and whined about Asterios blocking him on Twitter under the basis of "muh free speech" and said just because he blocked him for being a petty faggot that makes him untrustworthy and that everyone should just disregard whatever he said because he hurt his fee-fees. Dick and co. just laughed at how pathetic he is and called him a pussy.

2 Hours of Autism

While a member of Mumkey's fanbase was secretly recording him, Mumkey and his troll posse have a conversation with him and got him to admit a gold mine of personal info which was totally not gonna fuck him over in any way. The lulz peaked when one of the trolls decided to send a link of the recordings to David's dad and sent him a letter telling his dad to get professional help.

Too Lazy to Watch This Shit?

Here are some highlights since your attention span is small:

  • King Critic Going into detail about being a catholic pedophile.
  • King Critic Mentioning that he has a "mild case" of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder because an underage girl's family told him to fuck off after they found out he wanted to bang their daughter.
  • The step-by-step creation of lulzy shoops happening in the background.
  • King Critic threatening to neck himself because he is butthurt about getting roasted by everyone.
  • Mumkey having to mute most people in the server so King Critic wouldn't leave due not being able to handle the bantz.
  • King Critic claiming that people caught on To Catch a Predator dindu nuffin wrong and Chris Hansen is evil for asking pedo veterans to take a seat right over there.




—King Critic defending the right for veterans to get teh loli.


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King Critic
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King Critic is part of a series on Asperger's Syndrome.